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New features
Add % of weekly salary to salary type
It is now possible to define % of weekly salary on a salary type. This is configured from Settings → Tables → Salary types → selected salary type or Settings → Agreement templates → Selected agreement → Salary types

There are then 4 ways to configure the salary cost on the salary type
- Add to hourly salary, a fixed cost to be added to the hourly salary
- % of hourly salary, as a percentage of the employee's hourly salary
- Fixed cost, a fixed cost which is independent of the employee's hourly salary
- % of weekly salary, as a percentage of the employees contracted hours per week multiplied with employees hourly salary
Read more about salary types here
API / Web Service updates
wsdlCreateUnit : Possibility to create a unit through API
wsdlUpdateUnit : Possibility to update units through the API
wsdlGetUnits : New responses added
wsdlUpdateEmployee : Now possible to set units that the employee is shared to
Updates and performance
- Next badge number and badge number now supports 18 digits
- Email character limit is now 254
Bug fixes
- Fix for pre defined comments not being visible for some roles
- Correction to the edit multiple shift function now updating rules on shifts correctly
- Time log now shows correct time for when updates are made