Shift types color palette
You can associate a color with a shift type. This makes it easy to quickly identify a specific shift type in the Schedule view. Quinyx provides 35 colors in a drop-down for you to set for your organization's shift types You can change the color for a shift under Account settings > Shift types or use the wsdlUpdateShiftTypes API:
Hex code | Decimal | Color name | Shift color preview |
#FFF600 | 16774656 | Lemon | |
#5AFFB0 | 5963696 | Turquoise | |
#19A9D1 | 1681873 | Summer sky | |
#1F78FF | 2062591 | Dodger Blue | |
#510303 | 5309187 | Brown | |
#FBD302 | 16503554 | Gold | |
#2EE500 | 3073280 | Spring leaves | |
#38E8F3 | 3729651 | Turquoise | |
#B70099 | 11993241 | Magenta | |
#956201 | 9789953 | Bronze | |
#FBCA73 | 16501363 | Peach | |
#C0EC88 | 12643464 | Pistacchio | |
#ACEAFB | 11332347 | Pale Blue | |
#F4BCEF | 16039151 | Pink | |
#CCD6E0 | 13424352 | Light grey | |
#FC9700 | 16553728 | Orange | |
#85AD9D | 8760733 | Olive tree | |
#8FBCFF | 9420031 | Columbia Blue | |
#B290FA | 11702522 | Mauve | |
#646974 | 6580596 | Dark grey | |
#ED6301 | 15557377 | Persimmon | |
#2E7D5C | 3046748 | Eucalyptus | |
#5484C6 | 5539014 | Denim Blue | |
#941DF2 | 9706994 | Velvet | |
#9B0C59 | 10161241 | Hibiscus | |
#FF553E | 16733502 | Sunset | |
#009B10 | 39696 | Pine tree | |
#05638B | 353163 | Sea Blue | |
#5024FF | 5252351 | Purple | |
#B60F01 | 11931393 | Bordeaux | |
#F50067 | 16056423 | Raspberry | |
#154F0B | 1396491 | Dark Green | |
#002197 | 8599 | Sail blue | |
#573C99 | 5717145 | Aubergine | |
#000000 | 0 | Black |