Version 0127
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Release date February 16th 2022
Updates and performance improvements
New permissions
We've added new permissions for Access rights > Integration credentials and Access rights > Integration API-keys. Now, it's possible to define whether an account manager should have access to manage the integrations credentials for both REST API or SOAP API.

Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue in Schedule that incorrectly displayed certain employees as belonging to sections on which they had no direct role when using the People > Section filter field.
- Resolved a filtering issue that caused statistics not to adjust to changes in the schedule view if using a saved filter created before Filters 2.0 (version 0120).
- Resolved an issue that caused users to have to refresh their browser for the start time option in the Display options > Employee sorting to work as expected when a filter had been applied.
- Resolved an issue that generated an incorrect absence warning if a leave request ended at the same time a punch started.
- Resolved an issue that incorrectly prevented the creation of a special Norwegian absence type (Egenmelding).
- Resolved an issue related to visibility of agreement on Time card.
- Resolved several reported instances regarding punches being connected to the wrong agreement in the schedule view.
- Resolved several reported instances of incorrect information about scheduled hours (including unassigned shifts) in the Time card.
- Resolved an issue where tasks that didn’t match the selections in the task type, task section, and/or the task status fields displayed with overlay instead of not displaying at all.
New HelpDocs articles
- Configuring Optimal Headcount - major updates
- Quinyx Product Roadmap
- Variable Settings, Display Groups & Forecast Configurations - major updates
REST API/Web services updates
None at this time.
SOAP API / Webservice updates
More secure API keys
When an API key is created it will now be more secure than before. The new format will be longer and contain more characters.
Endpoints being deprecated and removed
No endpoints currently deprecated and planned for removal.