version 363

New features

Possibility to calculate good days

It is now possible to have a time tracker that counts all days above the nominal days per week for the employee.

In the markets where the collective or union agreements dictate how many days you are supposed to work a week as well as how many hours this will allow for possibility for follow up in the same way as other Time trackers

The setup for nominal days per week is done from the agreement or the agreement template. Time Agreement Templates Agreement details Nominal days/week or Employees Agreements/Availability chosen agreement

A Time tracker needs to be set up for the Good day and then a Time tracker association needs to be done on the Agreement Template and set it to counts as days.

In the Time Tracker association under the Time Agreement Templates Edit Time Tracker association New association

With the example above the employee will receive an additional good day to the Time tracker when working more than 4 days in a week. A day is calculated as a day where you should have worked ( a scheduled shift), a day with punches, an absence set as count as worked hours with an underlying shift.

API / Web Service updates

wsdlUpdateShifts: It is now possible to replace and remove tasks on a shift through the API

Click here to view the new Quinyx WFM Web Service documentation. More info can be found here

Updates and performance

  • A salary type can now be rounded up to 60 minutes (to the next full hour)
  • Improvements to schedule logs of how a shift is assigned. Now shows if assigned through restoring of an absence
  • In salary details report Time has been changed to Amount to better reflect the actual case
  • Performance improvements in regards to bank holidays
  • General updates in regards to upgrade of php 7.2

Bug fixes

  • Correction to multiple option in employee additional fields when key is changed
  • Correction to wsdlGetEmployees XML is encoded twice in some instances
  • Validation added for leave applications in order to not be able to deny an already approved leave application through API

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