Frontline Portal - Saved Audience Admin Page

Updated by Victor Jespersen

You can filter and search on the admin page for saved audiences. Saved lists are filtered by the following criteria:

  • Group Type: Any group type available on this tenant. Tenants will have different group types named; for example, the typical "District" or "Store" but could also be "Warehouse" or "HQ." If the selected Group Type is used in the audience, the saved audience should be displayed.
  • Role Type: Any role type available on this tenant. While "role type" is used here, this is actually the "Job Description" in current terminology. If the selected Role Type is used in the audience, the saved audience will be displayed. 
Persistence per existing logic: If you leave the Audience Admin and come back, you'll reset to the default (no filters and sorted by newest created date).


Group and Role type
Authored by me

You can filter to those lists you have created by adding a checkbox similar to that used on files for your own uploads. This is a checkbox that, when ticked, filters the list of saved audiences down to only those the current user themselves has created.

This applies to the saved audiences list in the Audience Admin (the expanded Saved Audience list) but also applies to the saved audiences list used in the Audience Splash (when a user opts to See All Saved Audiences) and in the method selector/Add flow (When a user opts to Add from Saved audiences).
  1. In the Filter view, tick the checkbox Authored by me, and click Apply to see your own saved audience lists.
  2. You'll now only see Saved Audience lists that you've created.

You can search for different types of information.

Search by group/role type

When adding group/role types to your audience after the method selector, when you select which group or role types you want, you can search the list. This helps save time when you have long lists and know exactly what you're looking for.

The search field will work like any other search field, but it applies to these lists. 

Group type

  1. In the Audience picker, click the plus icon to add recipients to your audience and proceed to the selection method view.
  2.  In the method selector, select By group type to add recipients by group type.
  3. Using the search field in the group type selector, you can search for specific keywords to narrow the list of available group types as your recipients.
  4. If your search doesn’t return any results, the list will be empty.

Role type

  1. In the Audience picker, click the plus icon to add recipients to your audience and proceed to the selection method view.
  2. In the method selector, select By role type to add recipients by role type.
  3. Using the search field in the role type selector, you can search for specific keywords to narrow the list of available role types as your recipients.
  4.  If your search doesn’t return any results, the list will be empty.

Create new audience

You can create a new audience within the Saved Audience admin page by following these steps:

  1. Select the Create new button at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select the recipients for the audience.
  3. Select the Confirm recipients button.
  4. Choose visibility option.
  5. Select the Save As New button.
  6. Type the name of the new audience.
  7. Select the Create button.
You can change all of the settings after you've created an audience.
You can click here to read about the Recipient selection methods.
You can click here to read about the visibility options.

Edit Saved audiences

Within the Saved Audience admin page, you can edit the existing saved audiences. You can do this by selecting the pen icon to the right of the recipient's field in the Saved Audience admin page view.

Add recipients to existing Saved audiences

You can add more recipients to an existing Saved Audience by selecting the plus icon at the bottom right.

A side panel will show up where you can choose the selection method. Then, you can select what recipient you want to add to the Saved Audience and confirm the change by selecting the Confirm button at the bottom right.

You can click here to read more about the different selection methods.
Remove recipients from existing Saved audiences

You can choose what recipient to remove by selecting the checkbox to the right side of a recipient's name and selecting the Remove selected button at the bottom center of the screen.

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