Version 0043

Updated by Johannes Nordman

General information

We now support 5 new languages:

  • Danish
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese


Monthly hours

The category "Monthly hours" is now available in Neo agreements. Monthly hours is used if you have different nominal times per month depending on season, for example. You can set an exact number of hours per calendar month.

Overtime and unsocial time

In the advanced settings category Overtime and unsocial time options for flex time/time bank, OT/AT bank, overtime methods, late schedule change & type of unsocial time can be setup. There are three advanced settings categories located under time, "Time rules, "Overtime and unsocial time and "Punch & Webpunch deviations" and they are all ruled by the same "Use template" button.

Punch & Webpunch deviations

In the advanced settings category Punch & Webpunch deviations options for Punch deviations, & Webpunch 3 deviations can be setup. There are three advanced settings categories located under time, "Time rules, "Overtime and unsocial time and "Punch & Webpunch deviations" and they are all ruled by the same "Use template" button.


In this release the advanced settings category "Availability" is implemented with the possibility for managers to configure the employees availability during specified weeks and weekdays can be setup.

Social cost

It is now possible to set up social cost and leave cost in the neo agreements category "Social cost". The social cost is setup so that Quinyx can take social costs into account in order to increase the accuracy of calculated staff costs.

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