Base schedule filter groupings and their fields

Updated by Daniel Sjögren

Read more about finding and using different filters in Base schedule here.

Base schedule filter groupings and their fields

When you're applying filters to a base schedule to specify what to see / not to see, you have different filter fields you can choose from. Below is the full list of filter fields, what filter grouping each field belongs to, and a description of what rules apply to it.

Filter grouping



"All" option



This field filters on employees with a role in the group. In the drop-down menu's value field, you can locate the employee you're looking for by searching for: employee name only, employee badge number only, and employee name and employee badge number.

This field applies or-logic, meaning that if you select multiple employees, the base schedule will show all of those employees.



Home unit

This field includes the home units of employees that have a role in the group currently selected in Quinyx.

This field applies or-logic, meaning that if you select multiple units from the drop-down, then the base schedule will show all employees whose home unit corresponds to any one of those units.



Reports to

Here, you can filter on employees who have "reports to" defined (People > People details > Advanced details > Reports to) by selecting the manager the employee is set to report to in the drop-down.

This field applies or-logic, meaning that if you select multiple managers from the drop-down, then the base schedule will show all employees that are set to report to either one of those managers.




This field filters on employees belonging to a specific section. An employee belongs to a section if the said employee has a role directly in that section on any of the dates in the currently viewed period in your base schedule.

The drop-down menu itself contains only sections on which at least one employee has a direct role on any of the dates in the currently viewed period.

This field applies or-logic, meaning that if you select multiple sections from the drop-down, then the base schedule will show all employees that have a role directly on either one of those sections.



Staff category

Filter employees by staff category.

This field's drop-down menu contains all staff categories configured on your organization's Quinyx account.

This field applies or-logic, meaning that if you select multiple managers from the drop-down, then the base schedule will show all employees that are set to report to either one of those managers.



Agreement template

This field filters on employees based on which agreement template their agreement is using. If an employee has multiple active agreements that in turn use different agreement templates, then the employee in question will appear as a result of filtering on any of those agreement templates.

In this drop-down menu, Quinyx only displays the agreement templates used by at least one active agreement of at least one employee appearing in the currently viewed period.

Or-logic applies in this field. This means that selecting multiple agreement templates from the drop-down will display all employees that have at least one valid agreement (in the currently viewed period) that use any of the selected agreement templates.




This field filters employees based on which skills they have.

In this drop-down menu, we display any skills that exist on your company's Quinyx account. Note that Quinyx will display all skills regardless of the skills' expiry dates. For instance, if only one employee has a given skill but said skill for that employee expired prior to the currently viewed period, it will still display in the drop-down. However, selecting it would display 0 employees.

Or-logic applies in this field. This means that selecting multiple skills displays only employees in your base schedule that all have all of those skills.



Employee has

This is one of the most powerful filter fields in Quinyx. The field allows you to filter employees based on the state of the base schedule using the following different filtering options:

  • Items in schedule: Displays employees that have at least one item (shift, task, unavailability) in the schedule in the currently viewed period - regardless of whether or not that item displays as of the current selections in other filter fields. Note that the "Items in schedule" option selects all scheduling items listed in brackets above in one go.
  • Empty schedule: Displays employees that don't have any schedule item whatsoever (shift, task, unavailability) in the schedule in the currently viewed period.
  • Items in current view: Displays employees with at least one schedule item (shift, task, unavailability) in the current view. This essentially allows you to not display employees with "empty rows" at times when those aren't relevant to you.
  • Shift: Displays employees that have at least one shift in the selected period.
  • Task: Displays employees that have at least one task in the selected period.
  • Unavailability: Displays employees that have at least one unavailability occurrence in the selected period. Note: As Base Schedule doesn't feature dates, unavailability according to agreement is the only type of unavailability in Schedule available in Base Schedule.
  • Or-logic applies in the field for now, meaning that if you select multiple options, then the base schedule will show all employees matching any of those options.



Shift type

This field filters on shifts that are of a certain shift type.

The field's drop-down menu contains all shift types existing on the account and displays their color as well as start and end times.

Or-logic applies in this field, meaning that if you select multiple options, the base schedule will show all shifts belonging to any of those types.




This field filters on shifts that take place in a certain section.

The drop-down of this field will contain all sections of the current unit. Note that the Shifts > Section-field doesn't exist when a section, as opposed to a unit, is selected in the Quinyx group selector.

Or-logic applies in this field, meaning that if you select multiple options, the schedule will show all shifts that take place in any of those sections.




This field filters on shifts depending on whether they're assigned or unassigned. For that reason, its drop-down menu only has two values.

Or-logic applies in this field.




This field filters on tasks that are of a certain task type.

The field's drop-down menu contains all task types existing on the account and displays their color as well as start- and end times.

Or-logic applies in this field, meaning that if you select multiple options, your schedule will show all tasks that are of any of those types.




This field filters on tasks that take place in a certain section.

The drop-down menu of this field will contain all sections of the current unit.

Or-logic applies in this field, meaning that if you select multiple options, your schedule will show all tasks that take place in any of those sections.




This field filters on tasks depending on whether they're assigned or unassigned. For that reason, its drop-down menu only has two values.

Or-logic applies in this field.


You can always search for filter options. For instance, let's say you want to search for a specific shift type, then you can search for the name of that shift type directly in the filter drop-down menu.

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