Version 0146

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

Release date November 3, 2022

Release summary

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Web app

  • Quinyx now has special logic - called re-rollout logic - for what happens when you roll out one same base schedule for the same period, employees, and base schedule week and weekday.
  • You can now change the absence duration on an absence request in the notification panel.
  • We have the first iteration of compensation rules that now can base the outcome on worked hours or salary types for the same weekday in the selected period before the bank holiday.
  • We added support for Webpunch settings so you can configure which functionality is available in your Webpunch interface.
  • On the Forecast page, we've replaced the arrows used to sort the variables in adjust view in display groups with the same drag-and-drop option available on schedule statistics.
  • wsdlPunch and wsdlUpdateTimePunches now support splitting punches on tasks.
  • Events added under events management can now be visualized in the Forecast graph and table.

SOAP API / Webservice updates

  • Validation of date format added to:
    • wsdlUpdateEmployees
    • wsdlUpdateAgreementsV2

Bug fixes

  • We tweaked some things too small to notice or too difficult to explain. If you really want more details, click here.

New functionality

Base schedule re-rollout and absences

This functionality was pulled back from release 0142 due to issues encountered during our quality assurance process. These have now been resolved.

Quinyx has special logic - called re-rollout logic - for what happens when you roll out one same base schedule for the same period, employees, and base schedule week and weekday. The general rule is that if there has been an edit made to the shifts in base schedule but none to the corresponding base schedule shifts in Schedule, then the re-rollout will update the shifts in Schedule. If, on the other hand, there have been any sort of changes made to the base schedule shifts in Schedule, no update will occur to the latter as a result of the re-rollout.

Up until this release, the above logic has applied for all cases except for the following:

  1. If the shift in Schedule has been deleted.
  2. If the shift in Schedule has been converted to an absence shift.
  3. If the shift in Schedule has received an approved punch.

Due to popular demand, number 2 above has now been addressed. The re-rollout logic, including the above-mentioned improvement, is described in more detail in this article.

Change absence duration when approving absence requests

We've added the possibility to change the absence duration on an absence request in the notification panel.

A manager can now update absence duration when approving absence requests. When the absence duration is updated and the absence request is approved, that absence duration will subsequently be visible in the absence duration field of that same absence. If instead, an absence duration is updated on an absence request that's being denied, that change will not be reflected anywhere. The default value of this field will be the absence duration selected by the employee when the absence request was created. When updating the absence duration, Quinyx will check whether the selected period employee has shifts and/or overlapping absences and that will be presented in the notification panel.  

This feature is useful because it allows you, as a manager, to update absence duration in cases where there has been a miscommunication with the employee and where absence duration needs to be updated in order to have the correct Time Tracker balance and employee payslip.

Compensation rules based on worked hours

Quinyx WFM has previously had support for compensation rules on bank holidays to create compensation based on average output on salary types during a period before the actual bank holiday.

With this release, we are releasing the first version of compensation rules that now can base the outcome on worked hours or salary types for the same weekday in the selected period before a bank holiday.

This option will, together with eligibility rules, allow for customers within retail in the Netherlands to configure the "8/13 rule for bank holidays".

You can read more about eligibility rules and about compensation rules. Both articles are currently only available in English, but as soon as the content is complete they will be translated into other supported languages as well.
“8/13 rule for bank holidays”

The “8/13 rule for bank holidays” is intended to be able to compensate employees not working on a bank holiday that is on the same weekday that they usually work on.

In this case, the 8/13 stands for that if the bank holiday is on a Friday you have to have worked at least 8 of the previous 13 Fridays to be eligible for compensation on this bank holiday.

If the employee does work on the actual bank holiday then there is optional to decide if the compensation should be reduced with the worked hours or not.

Read more about eligibility rules here and more about compensation rules here.

Webpunch settings

With this release, we've added support for Webpunch settings, found under Account settings > Webpunch > Webpunch settings. With these settings, you can configure exactly which functionalities should be available in your Webpunch interface to ensure that your employees can punch in smoothly.

For details on exactly how Webpunch settings work and what each module does click here.

Updates and performance improvements

  • wsdlPunch and wsdlUpdateTimePunches now supports splitting punches on tasks.
  • On the Forecast page, we have replaced the arrows used to sort the variables in adjust view in display groups with the same drag-and-drop option available on schedule statistics. The reason is to ensure consistency across the application.
  • Events added under events management can now be visualized in the forecast graph and table.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue that caused a selected shift to disappear behind the Statistics view.
  • Resolved an issue that displayed statistics for employees with employee roles in the past whereas the employee section role filter displayed employees with roles today or in the future correctly.
  • Resolved an issue related to Daylight Saving Time (DST) where punch generating daily overtime while crossing DST. Read more about DST here.
  • Resolved an issue with showing scheduled cost in Base schedule statistics, Base schedule salary cost.
  • Resolved an issue with updating salary compensation rules for bank holidays removing set percentages.
  • Resolved an issue with what overtime types were shown in the summary per employee report.
  • Resolved an issue with grabbing and moving variables not being possible in schedule statistics display groups adjust view when scrolling was required.
  • Resolved an issue with forecast data not loading whenever the monthly aggregation had been selected within the Forecast tab.

New HelpDocs articles

SOAP API / Webservice updates

The following endpoints will be updated in the next upcoming sprints. This is necessary for us to do in order to add new functionality for compensation rules (see above). These are configuration endpoints, and our data shows no active integrations running towards them.

New input parameters will be added as well as new response objects.

3.36 wsdlGetSalaryCompensations

3.37 wsdlUpdateSalaryCompensations

3.38 wsdlDeleteSalaryCompensations

Validation of date format added to

  • wsdlUpdateEmployees
  • wsdlUpdateAgreementsV2
The expected format of the leave date is YYYY-MM-DD and leave dates with other formats will cause errors starting with this release

Endpoints being deprecated and removed

No endpoints are currently deprecated and planned for removal.

Click here to view the new Quinyx WFM Web Service documentation. You can find even more web services info here.
We encourage all of our customers to make use of our APIs to maintain data and to make sure that information is up-to-date. To ensure the scalability of our APIs while growing our customer and user base, we've decided to add restrictions on the usage of our SOAP APIs. These restrictions will be enforced programmatically, which means that we will enforce a limit on concurrent calls per customer to 10. You should expect response code 429 if you happen to exceed this limit, and you are recommended to implement a backoff retry mechanism to handle the limit. Note that the limit applies to SOAP only. When moving from SOAP to Rest over the coming years, any limits will be built into the API. 

Please make sure to forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.

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