Version 0138
Release date July 13, 2022
Training material
We’ve created new training videos that are available in HelpDocs. The videos cover:
- Configuration & Settings
- Schedule & Time Management
New functionality
None at this time.
Updates and performance improvements
- Until this release, there was a limit of displaying only absences created in less than a year from the date you’re selecting in the Time card. This has now been addressed so that all absences in Quinyx displays in the Time card.
- When you create an absence using an absence schedule on a section and said absence schedule makes use of shift types where the shift section value is null, the absence will as of this release automatically add the shift section value to its absence shifts. This is consistent with what happens when you add a shift of a shift type with no section value on section level.
- We are releasing REST API access for Schedule availability. This will allow getting and creating Schedule availability through API. You can access documentation for POST data here and GET data here.
Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue that caused the cancel button to not display in filter settings.
- Resolved an issue that produced an Invalid time warning when applying break rule calculation in a base schedule.
- Resolved an issue that produced a Something went wrong with statistics, please try again error message when if the date range was greater than 14 days in the schedule statistics view.
- Resolved an issue with adding manual punches that caused the overtime type to not consider the settings in the agreement template.
- Resolved an issue that made it so that you couldn't uncheck manually approved salary types.
New HelpDocs articles
- Get started with Concrete
- How to find and use filters in Quinyx
- Filter groupings and their fields
- Filters Use Cases & FAQ
SOAP API / Webservice updates
New validations for wsdlUpdateEmployees
When creating or updating an employee through the SOAP API, validation is added for non supported characters in the following places : givenName, familyName, staffCat, address1, address2, zip, city, country, locale, loginId, cardNo, info, legalGuardianName.
If you try to update one or more of these settings including characters [(\|\]\/~+@!%^&*={};:?><')]
you will receive a validation error.
For the phoneNo, cellPhone, nextPhone only possible characters are space numbers 0-9, dot ., plus +, dashes - and /
Endpoints being deprecated and removed
No endpoints are currently deprecated and planned for removal.
Please make sure to forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.