GET Absence Types

Updated by Victor Jespersen

API-docs for RC:

API-docs: (will be made available as of Version 0185)

The base URL can be found on links above for both environments. The remainder of this article should be considered a complement to the above Open API documentation.

Path properties

GET /groups/{groupId}/employees/{employeeId}

Getting absence types for employees for whom absence is being created.

  • employeeId - Quinyx id for employees you want to GET data for; required to validate that a given absence type is set as valid:
    • in the agreement template absence types for this employees valid agreement(s)
    • which are valid in the period specified as defined in “start” and “end” below.
Note that you'll need to use our Mapping API to convert/map any external system's employee ID to their Quinyx one.
  • groupId - ID for Quinyx domain group you want to GET data for.
  • start - Start of the period you want to GET data for.
  • end - End of the period you want to GET data for.


  • absenceTypeId
  • absenceTypeName
  • absenceScheduleId = Reflects the default absence schedule that is preselected in the GUI when a user creates an absence using this absence type
  • shiftAction = Default shift action that is preselected in the GUI when a user creates an absence using this absence type

Possible validation errors

  • error.absenceReasonType.startAfterEnd = Returned if any of the start dates submitted are prior to their respective end dates
  • error.absenceReasonType.groupId.notDomainGroupId = Returned when the group id submitted doesn't correspond to a domain id
  • error.absenceReasonType.employeeId.notFound = Returned when the employee id couldn't be found
  • error.absenceReasonType.employeeId.notEmployed = Returned when the employee isn't set to employed in People > Status > Employed at any time in the time range specified in the GET /v2/employees/{employeeId} > start and GET /v2/employees/{employeeId} > end
  • error.absenceReasonType.employeeId.doesNotBelongToCustomer = Returned when the employee id submitted doesn't match with the domain id provided

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