Ready for payroll indicator

Updated by Daniel Sjögren

In Schedule view

Employee "ready for payroll state"

In the Schedule view, a green circle with a checkbox appears around the employee's avatar when all the visible punches and absences for the employee have been attested and they are ready to be transferred to payroll.

The green circle around the avatar will appear if the following three criteria are met for the period currently shown in Schedule:

  1. There is at least one punch per shift irrespective of filters applied.
    1. The only exception to the above is if you have a bank holiday rule specifying shifts without matching punches should generate a salary outcome on that bank holiday.
  2. All punches and absences are attested irrespective of filters applied.
The green circle indicates the attest status for the employee in the currently selected group only; see below screenshots for an illustration of this.

"Ready for payroll" state employee counter

In the schedule view, you can also see a checkbox at the top of the employee list. This checkbox indicates that all employees are ready for payroll.

In addition, there is an added label to the tooltip.

Read more about using the Time tab to review payroll items before running payroll and Payroll actions for information about creating and processing payroll files.

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