Version 347
New features
Added language support for Italian
Webpunch links can now be created from Settings → Tables
It is now possible to create and edit Webpunch links from Settings → Tables → Integration keys / Integration key types.
A Webpunch link is used for creating a shortcut or login URL for a unit so that there is no need for a manager to enter credentials when logging into Webpunch.
If you have Webpunch links already set up you can add and edit them under Settings → Tables → Integration keys. Here you can view/add/edit and copy the Webpunch link. To create a new link for a unit or to add an IP address to an existing unit follow these steps:
- Navigate to Settings → Tables → Integration keys
- Click "Add new"
- Choose the unit you want to connect the IP address to
- Enter the external IP address (to verify you may use os similar to know what ip address should be used)
- Copy the URL that is shown and then save the key
- When saving you will in the list see all Webpunch links connected to your unit

If you currently do not have Webpunch link(s) set up you first need to create a Webpunch link key type from Settings → Tables → Integration key types
To create a new link for a unit or to add an IP address to an existing unit follow these steps:
- Navigate to Settings → Tables → Integration key types
- Click "Add new"
- Choose Webpunch link
- Click "Save"

New configuration options in Settings → Global
New global configuration options and views added to Settings → Global.
- General → Visual Settings
- Change banner logo, login logo, background color and text color
- General info (view only)
- Global timezone setting
- Number of units
- Number of active users
- Number of inactive users
- License based on number of users or units
- Number of licenses
- Number of non-billable licenses
- IP lock
- Possibility to view, add and edit whitelisted IP ranges to be used together with the Web Service API
- Possibility to view, add and edit SFTP settings for transfer to payroll options when sending to an SFTP server
Override costcenter in Webpunch
It is now possible to override the cost center inheritance logic when punching in Webpunch. This will force punches entered in Webpunch to use the costcenter from the unit the Webpunch is connected to.
You can find this setting under Settings → Units → Selected unit → Misc

Read more about the cost center inheritance logic here
Possibility for cost on minus time salary type
It is now possible to have a cost on minus time salary type. With the release of 347 we will set this cost to 0 Fixed cost to not change any current calculations.
Editing of the salary type is done either under Settings → Tables → Salary types and/or Agreement templates → Salary types.

Salary cost has 3 options for the value of a generated salary type in Quinyx. In below examples the hourly salary from the agreement is €15:
- % of hourly salary: 80% of hourly salary cost is calculated to €12 (€15 * 0.80)
- Add to hourly salary: €5 add to hourly salary cost is calculated to €20 (€5 + €15)
- Fixed cost: €20 as fixed cost is calculated as €20
New "locked" employee status
We have added a new status for employees. It is now possible to be locked, meaning the employee cannot log into Quinyx on any platform. This will happen automatically if the employee enters incorrect wrong login credentials too many times or has been locked manually either from the employee card or through the Web Service API.
Current available employee statuses:
- Employed - Indicates if employee is still employed. If unchecked a date it is possible to set an end date, both future and historical. NOTE : When you end an employee all future shifts for that employee will be unassigned.
- Passive - Passive employees are inactive for scheduling and removed from all employee lists / dropdown lists. The employee does not have access to Quinyx while they are flagged as Passive. This may be relevant when people are on a longer parental leave or for summer temp staff during winter, for example. However, you can activate the employee at any time by unchecking "Passive". Employees that are passive cannot punch into Webpunch.
- Locked - Indicates if employee has entered incorrect login credentials too many times or has been locked manually by a manager. Employee cannot log into the system but can still punch into Webpunch.
API / Web Service updates
wsdlUpdateTextItems is updated with ID of the item in the response
wsdlProcessLeaves now approve/deny preliminary leaves correctly
wsdlUpdateEmployee can now be used to set an employee as locked
wsdlGetEmployees now returns data about employee lock status
Updates and performance
- Changes in employee additional fields is now saved in the log
- Added tags for mapping of PDF documents
Bug fixes
- Fix incorrect error message when multiple changes on the leave application at the same time
- "It is not possible to change date/time and the following values at the same time: leave reason, absence schedule and nominal hours"
- Time → File archive and Time → File archive now shows correct timestamp