Agreement templates - Mobile punch flow
The section under an agreement template called "Mobile punch flow" determines all settings for the mobile punching flow. You can select an existing template to copy from or tick the checkboxes to configure specific settings.

- Allow punching on past tasks: Makes it possible to punch on a task that is in the past (in both Mobile Application and Webpunch).
- Split punch on tasks: Splits the punch based on the planned tasks during the day with the correct settings in the user's agreement.
- Allow choice of project: Select a project for punch connected to the task.
- Allow choice of cost center: Allow the choice of a cost center.
- Show overtime pop-up: Setting that determines if the overtime dialogue in mobile punching is turned on or off.
- Choose overtime type: Allow the user to select the type of overtime.
- Show comment for punch: Add a comment on punch connected to tasks.
- Show “No shift” pop-up: Allow a pop-up indicating there is no shift.
- Show absence type pop-up: Allow a pop-up enabling the user to choose an absence type.
- Allow to ignore absence type: Allows the user to ignore/skip adding a leave reason.
- Show absence type comment: Display comments about absences.
- Absence type comment mandatory: Require employees to comment on absence type.