POST Full-Time Absence
Api-docs for RC: (select "schedule" definition)
Api-docs: (select "schedule" definition)
Base URL can be found on links above for both environments. The remainder of this article should be considered a complement to the above Open API documentation.
Path parameters
POST /groups/{groupId}/absences
groupId - Group id for the Quinyx unit you want to POST data for. Note that if you input a section id, said section's parent id will be applied.
Query parameters
- overlapAbsences = Optional. This is when there’s an absence already and you should choose what to do with it. Depends on Allow overlapping absences unit setting. Inputting true will Overlap any existing absence (note that True will throw a warning if the above-mentioned setting is set to false). Inputting false will Replace any existing. If omitted, false will be applied. Note that Quinyx supports a maximum of two overlapping absences.
- ignoreOverridableValidations = Optional. This controls whether, when validations are thrown, the absence is created despite the warnings (true) or not (false). Note that this paramete only applies to overridable warnings - for warnings that aren’t overridable, the same warning will be thrown again (until appropriate action is taken). If omitted, false will be applied.
Request body
- absenceTypeId
- employeeId
- begin
- end
- employeeAttested = Optional value. If the agreement setting auto attest for absences is true, and employeeAttested is omitted, then true will be applied. If said agreement setting is false, and employeeAttested is omitted, then false will be applied.
- managerAttested = Optional value. If the agreement setting auto attest for absences is true, and managerAttested is omitted, then true will be applied. If said agreement setting is false, and employeeAttested is omitted, then false will be applied.
- absenceScheduleId = Optional. If omitted, and the absence type used uses a default absence schedule, that absenceScheduleId will be applied.
- shiftsInThisPeriod = Optional. If omitted, the current value of the “Absence type affects schedule” setting (unassign/delete) of the absence type selected in absenceTypeId will be applied.
- managerComment
Possible validation errors
Key | Meaning | Overridable |
INVALID_ABSENCE_TYPE_OR_ABSENCE_SCHEDULE | This error will be returned at the time of fetching shifts for the request as a result of any of the following reasons:
| No |
INACTIVE_EMPLOYEE | You cannot add absence(s) when an employee's employment has ended | No |
INVALID_EMPLOYEE | You can't add absence to an employee that doesn't have a role | No |
START_MUST_BE_BEFORE_END | Start time of absence needs to be before its end time | No |
GROUP_NOT_RESTAURANT_OR_SECTION | You can only create an absence on unit level, so this validation will be returned if you’ve submitted a district id or domain id as opposed to a unit id. | No |
ABSENCE_LONGER_THAN_24_MONTH | An absence is not allowed to be longer than 24 months | No |
LEAVE_PUNCH_EXISTS | There are unapproved punches in this leave period which will be partly or fully deleted | Yes |
PUNCH_APPROVED_AND_NOT_TRANSFERRED_TO_PAYROLL | There are approved punches during this leave period that are not transferred to payroll | No |
SALARY_PERIOD_LOCKED | Schedule period is locked | No |
SHIFT_ALREADY_TRANSFERRED_TO_PAYROLL | The shift cannot be changed, it has already been transferred to payroll | No |
EGENMELDING_FAIL_EGENMELDING_DAYS_USED_UP | All self-certified sick leave days has already been used | No |
EGENMELDING_FAIL_AGP_USED_UP | Self-certified sick days can only be utilized within the employer period | No |
LEAVEAPP_PRECEEDING_LEAVE_WITHOUT_WORK | No work time has been registered following the preceding absence | No |
LEAVEAPP_MAX_TWO_OVERLAPPING_ABSENCE_IN_PERIOD | Quinyx supports no more than two overlapping absences | No |
LEAVEAPP_OVERLAPPING_ABSENCE_IN_PERIOD | Overlapping absence in period, absence rejected | No |
PUNCH_ALREADY_TRANSFERED_TO_PAYROL | Action could not be performed as data within the selected period has been transferred to payroll | No |
LEAVE_SHIFT_ALREADY_TRANSFERRED_TO_PAYROLL | Action could not be performed as data within the selected period has been transferred to payroll | No |
LEAVE_MAX_OCCASIONS | Max occasions per absence type | No |
LEAVE_MAX_DAYS_IN_PERIOD | Max leave days for the period has been reached | No |
LEAVE_MAX_CONSECUTIVE_DAYS | Max consecutive days has been reached | No |
LEAVE_MIN_DAYS_BETWEEN | Less than minimum allowed days between absence occasions | No |
NO_ROLE_ON_ABSENCE_SCHEDULE_SHIFT | Absence schedule shift is on group on which employee doesn't have a role | No |
MISSING_AGREEMENT | You can't add absence to an employee that doesn't have a valid agreement | No |
LEAVEAPP_NOT_ATTESTABLE_BY_MANAGER | Absence not attestable by manager | No |
LEAVEAPP_NOT_ATTESTABLE_BY_EMPLOYEE | Absence not attestable by employee | No |
INVALID_LEAVE_REASON | Absence type id not valid for this domain. | No |
INVALID_ABSENCE_SCHEDULE | Absence schedule id not valid for this domain. | No |
ACCRUAL_BALANCE_EXCEEDED | This employee’s Time Tracker balance is lower than that needed for the absence you’re attempting to create. This validation being run/returned is subject to configuration. Note that the validation object contains a field called “Text” which in turn contains the name of the TimeTracker that’s not containing the needed absence balance. | No |