Dutch vacation configuration FAQ
Q: How can we get an overview/report of the vacation balances, split by statutory and non-statutory hours?
A: Currently, it is not possible to retrieve this overview via a Quinyx report, however, it is possible to get Statutory and Non-Staturory balances via API.
Q : What if I have employees starting during the year?
A: If the agreements connected to the agreement template where Time Tracker association is defined would be part of the year. Quinyx will calculate the hours automatically based on the agreement period and employment rate on the agreement. This also applies if the employment rate by date is updated on an individual agreement.
Q : What if I have employees changing employment rate during the year?
If employment rate by date is updated on an individual agreement connected to the agreement template where Time Tracker association is defined. Quinyx will calculate the hours automatically based on the agreement period and employment rates on the agreement.
Q : What if I need to manage statutory hours manually?
A : When adding a new Time Tracker transaction from the Time card, you can choose if it should affect statutory or statutory hours. This is also supported in the Web Service API wsdlUpdateTimeTrackers .
Q : What if I want the employees to accrue the hour per day the agreement has been active?
A : We don't support accruing of the vacation hours because of the specific logic where taken vacation needs to know what is to expire first. With our current implementation to support that deduction and carry over, we can't support both options.
Q : What if I want the employees to have multiple overlapping agreements and first to expire option?
A : We don't support multiple overlapping agreements. This is because of the specific logic where taken vacation needs to know what is to expire first.
Q : What if I want to see the balance as per a selected date?
A : Currently we only support viewing balances as per defined hardcoded expiry dates. This is explained in more detail here.