Version 357
New features
Possibility to pre check a vacation leave request
In this release we have added functionality making it possible to do an automatic check of employee has enough vacation days to apply for before the leave request is sent to the manager.
- Employee has a balance of 15 days of vacation
- Leave application is done for 2019-07-01 - 2019-07-22
- During this time the employee is scheduled 16 days
This possibility is based on the TimeTracker functionality and the possibility to associate a TimeTracker to an agreement template. In order to set up a Time Tracker association you first need to have or create a Time Tracker. Creating and editing Time Trackers is done under Settings → Tables → Time Trackers .

In the above example the Time Tracker is named VAC - Vacation and the values for min/max is set to 0 and 30.

Under Time → Agreement templates → Chosen template → Time Trackers the agreement template now needs to be associated with the Time Tracker
- Choose the Time Tracker that should be affected : (VAC - Vacation)
- What should be the driver (reason) for the change of the Time Tracker : Each vacation leave day
- What should happen when there is a vacation leave day (operator) : Add
- What amount should be applied (factor level regulator) : -1
Example :
- Our example employee has 15 days of vacation balance left
- The employee creates a leave application for 4 weeks of vacation (with 5 scheduled shifts per week)
- When employee saves the application the system automatically checks the balance and if balance is insufficient the application will be denied
API / Web Service updates
wsdlUpdateShiftTypes : Added possibility to add tags, cost centre, project, account, color of shift, color of text on shift from the API
wsdlGetEmployees : New output lastDayOfEmployment that returns a date = leavedate -1 if active set to 0
Updates and performance
- Performance improvements regarding storing of files
Bug fixes
- Correction to manning of shifts where employee was scheduled on a "free day" shift