Frontline Portal - Create a new form
In addition to the ability to create forms and surveys as part of a task, the Frontline Portal offers the ability for users to submit forms without needing to receive a Task first. We understand that the need to complete a form often originates from:
- general queries (Merchandising Query, HR Query)
- something happening in-store (Accident Reporting, Stolen Goods, Product Feedback, Local Competitor Report)
- something that needs to be completed regularly (Daily Opening Checklist, Weekly Health & Safety Report, Weekly Sales)
- other store needs (Uniform Ordering, Non-Stock Requests, Stock Transfers).
HQ & field teams can create forms and make these available for the stores & users who might need them.
Getting started
Select Form from the + menu to get started. If there are templates available then you can choose Select from Template to make this process quicker.
Who should be able to submit these forms?
Who should receive a notification when a new submission of this form is made?
What category is the form for?
Form Elements
Several simple elements can be added to a form to ensure that the right information is gathered in the easiest way, whatever the form's purpose. Select Add question to choose the form elements you want to include.
Short Answer: Capture short responses.
Example: NON-STOCK ORDERING - How many items do you need?
Example: STOLEN GOODS - Product Code
Paragraph: Capture longer responses.
Example: INCIDENT REPORT - Describe what happened Example: NON-STOCK ORDERING - Do you have any special requirements for your store?
Multiple Choice: The user submitting a form can select ONE of the options provided.
Example: INCIDENT REPORTING - Has a police report been submitted? (Yes/No)
Example: NON-STOCK ORDERING - Which non-stock item would you like to order? (select from list)
Checkboxes: The user submitting a form can select MANY of the options provided.
Example: FIRE SAFETY CHECK FORM - Where are you fire extinguishers situated? [Front of store, Back of store, Store office, other]
Example: UNIFORM ORDERING - Which of the below items are needed? (select many from list)
Date: Pick from a date picker.
Example: NON-STOCK ORDERING FORM - When would you like to receive these items?
Upload Files: Prompt or force submitters to upload files to support their submission.
Example: MONTHLY RISK ASSESSMENT - Upload pictures of all fire exits.
Content: Add content to support the understanding & completion of the form. Can be used to add quick introductions or to create headers for different sections in long forms.
Example: FIRE SAFETY CHECK FORM - Introduction to explain how to complete the check.
Example: NON-STOCK ORDERING - Images & descriptions of items available for order.
Example: HEALTH & SAFETY REPORT - Fire section, Falls from height section,....
Drag & drop to move Form Elements around the Form.
Mandatory or Optional elements.
Delete elements.
When you're ready to make the form available for recipients to use then click Publish. Recipients will receive a notification to alert them to the new form.