REST Mapping API

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

Quinyx ID Mapping API

The Quinyx mapping service is a Restfull API for managing connections between internal IDs in Quinyx with external IDs used in other systems integrated with Quinyx.

Api-docs for rc :

Api-docs :

The Mapping API covera the following scopes:

- Organisation

Access Rights

To send requests to the Mapping API, you must add access rights for Mapping on your integration credentials in account settings.

GET /mappingTypes

This API returns all existing mapping types. Currently, only Organi<ation types are supported. More types will be supported in the future.

GET /mappingTypes/{mappingType}/mappings

List mapping types response based on specified domainid in the security token. and the mappingType specified as an id

Query parameters:

Use one of the following:

quinyxValue string


externalValue string

If both values are submitted an error will be returned.


The response will return a list with mapping objects if the request is successful.

Example response


"mappingType": "organisation",

"id": "112",

"quinyxValue": "112344",

"externalValue": "443211",

"domainId": 0


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