Frontline Portal - Stories dashboard

Updated by Daniel Sjögren

To see the Stories dashboard, click on Stories and you will see all of the stories. At a creator level, you will see all stories, and at a store/group level you will see all the stories shared with you.

By default, archived stories are excluded from your global search results. If you would like to view archived resources (i.e., stories and forms) when using the global search, select the filter option and switch on Show archived items.


If you click on Feed it will bring up the Collections window on the right-hand side of the screen.

As a creator the following options will be visible from the Collections menu:

Feed: This is all the stories in your dashboard.

Drafts: You can see your drafts as well as drafts of other creators so you can collaborate.

Scheduled: You can see a story that has been created and published with a date in the future.

Sent: You can see all stories that have been sent already.

Archived: You can see any stories that have been archived.


You can filter on priority level, different categories, or publish dates when searching for a specific story.

Hint: To learn more about how to create a story, click here.

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