Version 344
New features
Background process for salary file generation
In order to deliver a better experience and solution for salaryfile extraction we have developed a new process for this that does not require the browser window or application to be running while creating a payroll file or a payroll Excel report. This will resolve multiple issues for doing salary files both in regards to time to create the files but also for being able to continue working in the application.
We have changed the dialogue so that when you untick Preliminary in Transfer to payroll and then click the Transfer to payroll button you will get a question asking
Do you want to do a definitive transfer to payroll AND lock all selected transactions?

This replaces the current functionality (before 344) where the question about updating was shown after file completion. When you then click OK the background process will start processing the data and you will be redirected to a new view Time → File archive.
While the file is processing in the background the file status under Time → File archive will be processing. When the file is ready status will change to finished and a download file link will be shown. During this time you can work within other areas of the system without interfering with the generation process.
The background generation will also work if you log out of Quinyx, close your browser, turn off your computer or loose your internet connection.

The background generation of files also works for the Excel report under Time → Transfer to payroll → Transfer to payroll and will then be shown as Type Reports.

Read more about transferring to payroll in the manual here
API / Web Service updates
New Web Service call wsdlFindEmployees that allows for finding employees through the API.
Read more about Web Services and API in the links below
Bug fixes
- Correction of Incorrect values on time in response to wsdlGetPayrollV2 in some cases of manual salaries start and end time
- Correction to wrong Timestamp format in wsdlGetSchedules where useFixedSchedule set to true
- Correction to wrong Timestamp format in wsdlGetSkillsCategories response
- Fix to access right and visibility of mobile tab on employee card in combination with additional fields
- Correction to converting a notice of interest to a shift not triggering a notification
- Change to Crona salary file where set version in file is changed to 2.0