Employee email is not unique

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

When an email address is already registered in Quinyx, you'll receive an error message "Employee email is not unique".

When this happens, you can resolve it by following one of the steps below:

  1. Use a different email address.
  2. Ask the employee to contact his/her earlier employer to change the email on the existing user account.
  3. If the employee has an email account from Google, Yahoo, or Hotmail, "+(something f.ex. 123) can be manually added to the email address to make it unique in Quinyx. An account is then created for that employee, and they can log into Quinyx with that new mail address, but still receive emails such as rest password requests, Qmails to their real email address.

Example: "anders.johansson+123@happyworkforce.com" would be the Quinyx username to make it unique, but they would still receive emails to their original mail "anders.johansson@happyworkforce.com".

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