Frontline Portal - Mobile app

Updated by Daniel Sjögren

Quinyx Frontline Portal connects store employees, field managers, and HQ teams. Leading retailers use Quinyx Frontline Portal as the hub for employee communications, task management, announcements, intranet, forms, and workflow. Quinyx Frontline Portal supports wholly-owned stores, franchise partners, and joint ventures. Quinyx Frontline Portal is accessible on any web-enabled device.

Using the app works best when using the mobile app, particularly when you're in a store. Get key notifications, view tasks & announcements, upload photos directly from your phone, and more.

Here's how to get started.

Download Mobile App

Apple AppStore

Navigate to the Quinyx Frontline Portal app in the Apple Store.

Requirements: iOS 13.3.1 and above

Android Play Store

Navigate to the Quinyx Frontline Portal app in the Google Play store to download the app.

You can install the app on more than one device.

Requirements: Android 8.0 Oreo, or above


iPhone settings
  • Settings > Quinyx Frontline Portal
  • Allow all notifications
  • Allow permission to use Camera

When do I get push notifications?

  • New Tasks, Stories, Forms, Events
  • A folder has been shared with you
  • Files have been uploaded to a folder that has been shared with you
  • Task: Reminder
  • Task: Changes Needed
  • Task: Approval Required
  • Forms: a new submission has been made on a form for which you are set as a 'Notified user'
  • Chat: you have been tagged in a comment
  • Chat: someone has replied to one of your comments

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