Using mini jobbers to calculate absence value - Finnish use case
Mini jobb (German: geringfügige Beschäftigung) is a German form of part-time employees who work irregular hours and days per week. For these employees, the employment rate and/or the nominal hours are normally zero and the average number of hours they work daily changes continuously.
Mini jobbers can be used to calculate absence value for bank holiday compensation over x number of weeks.
Average mini jobber calculation
The average mini jobber calculation:
- Doesn't take scheduled hours into account, only punched hours.
- Does take absence hours into account where Count as worked time is checked in the absence reason.
The calculation is started from the previous calendar week (in other words, if you mark an absence on Wednesday week 40, Quinyx starts to calculate the hours backward from and including week 39).
- The calculation is done using Worked days / worked hours.
- For employees with a contract not fully valid for the past mini jobber period, the calculation is done according to the weeks already worked
- Example: The mini jobber period is 12 weeks, the employee contract starts on the 1st of September, and the absence is marked on the 14th of September.
- The previous week has 1 shift of 1 0 h and 1 shift of 7.5 h. the absence gets the value of 8.75h (17.5/2)
Implementation of mini jobber for absences
The definition for calculation is done from Agreement/Agreement template > Agreement details > Working hours > Advanced calculation for part time employees > Calculate average hours/day for minijobbers.
Create absence schedule
When creating time periods for an absence schedule, if the time, for instance, 8:00-16:00 then the average calculation will be cut off after 8 hours.