Version 0133
Release date May 4, 2022
New functionality
We're back with some more improvements to our new availability functionality (read more about availability in our previous release notes)! This time, we've added support for filtering on availability in the schedule, support for seeing the auto lock period in the schedule, and a tooltip for availability comments.
You will now find availability as a selectable item in the Employee has filter field:

When you select availability in the filter field, it will only display employees that have availability objects in the selected period.
We've also added a checkbox for availability at the end of the filter panel:

See auto lock period
In order for managers to get information about the current (and coming) auto lock period, we've added this information to the Schedule view. Click on the three-dot menu in the top right corner and select Auto lock availability:

A pop-up will display the current auto lock period and information about the coming auto lock period, as well as when the auto lock will happen:

Tooltip for availability comment
When you hover over an availability object with a comment in the schedule, Quinyx now displays the comment in a tooltip:

Employee count in Schedule and Base schedule
Due to popular demand, we’ve added a tally of the number of employees currently displayed in the schedule and in the base schedule respectively:
This count is useful any time you want to quickly get an idea of the number of employees you’re currently looking at in your schedule or base schedule.
Example 1
You just want to see how many people in total are working at your location today, so you navigate to the day view and make sure that the only filter groupings ticked are shifts, tasks, and punches and that Items in current view is selected in the Employee has field.
Example 2
You want to see how many people are currently absent from your location in the currently viewed period, so you select Items in current view and untick all filter groupings except for absences.
The number of employees displays regardless of view mode - day, week, month, or custom - and considers any filters applied. It is visible at all times but will not display if you’re using a very small screen, such as that of a mobile device.
Updates and performance improvements
- Updated access rights for Integrations credentials and Integrations API-keys.
Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue with batch actions in the schedule view when certain filters were selected and didn’t properly apply the selected filters.
- Resolved an issue that caused inactive employees to be visible in the Absence percentage report.
- Resolved an issue that produced an invalid warning that an employee’s nominal hours for the scheduled period were exceeded when they were not when rolling out a base schedule.
- Resolved an issue that produced an incorrect employee metrics delta saying -0.0 when the display view was set to selected period under Display options > Employee metric calculation period > Selected period.
- Resolved an issue that incorrectly produced the warning Unavailable according to agreement when selecting an employee for an unassigned shift when the shift didn’t actually occur during the employee’s unavailability period.
- Partly resolved an issue that reset your Schedule filter selections if, within five seconds after making filter selections, users reloaded their browsers or closed the browser tab. Please note that this issue unfortunately will remain until further notice on an intermittent basis, especially on larger Quinyx groups, due to technical limitations.
- Resolved an issue where the payroll was not visible in the Analytics tab post generation.
- Resolved an issue where the Salary details report (in some cases) used original punch in/out times instead of the actual punch in/out times.
New HelpDocs articles
SOAP API / Webservice updates
Endpoints being deprecated and removed
No endpoints are currently deprecated and planned for removal.
Please make sure to forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.
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