All-in-one login for Frontline Portal only users

Updated by Daniel Sjögren

For users on the Quinyx All-in-one platform (AIO) who only use the Frontline Portal, and not Workforce Management (WFM), here is the login process.

  1. User logs into Quinyx here as usual:
  1. User will be directed straight to the Frontline Portal homepage:
  1. Those users granted User Management permissions can navigate to Quinyx WFM via the Settings Cog > User Management.

The following user management permissions need to be made available in the Quinyx Manager Portal > Account settings > Role management > [insert role] > Edit role:

  • Write access for the People main permission
  • Write access to at least one of the People sub-permissions
  1. The user will then be directed to the Quinyx WFM People tab.
  1. Here, they can update user details, i.e., a user’s name, email address, password etc. This is done by selecting the user whose details they wish to amend, updating their information, and then selecting Save.
  1. To navigate back to the Frontline Portal, the user must select Profile > Switch to Frontline Portal.
  1. Done!

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