Version 355
New features
Possibility to calculate "karensavdrag" for 0% employed employees
This is mostly a Swedish legal requirement.
There is now functionality for calculating "karensavdrag" for employees with 0% employment rate over a definable period of time.
This is defined on the agreement template from Time → Agreement templates → Chosen template → Agreement details and should only be defined

This calculation will then be used fo "Account for employment level" when creating/updating a salarytype row in a leave type. Tables → Leave types → Chosen leave type → Create/Update salarytype row

Read more about Reasons for absence and settings here
API / Web Service updates
No changes or updates to the API / Web Service
Updates and performance
- Added logging to how a shift was assigned to an employee. This is visible under Schedule→ Logs in the far right column
- Visma Agda payroll file now includes minustime transactions. It will be in the file but NOT as a negative value
Bug fixes
- Fix to issue of Time Tracker vacation accruals not deducting correctly when new agreement start date 2019-01-01 (and old agreement ending 2018-12-31)