Defect escalation process

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

If a support request cannot be resolved by our 1st or 2nd line teams, it will be escalated to our development teams. When allocating these requests, we follow strategies based on their priority. The priority is assessed by our 2nd line teams, considering the impact and urgency of the reported issues.

Support strategies

These guideline strategies help us ensure a quality service, but they are not contractual Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

Mean Time to Resolve (MTTR) benchmarks

Our MTTR benchmarks are categorized by the severity of the issue, ensuring timely and effective resolution based on the impact and urgency.

Severity 1


Severity 2

8 working days, next payroll or next release FLP

Severity 3

23 working days

Severity 4

63 working days

Severity 5


3rd line process

Given the severity of a ticket, our development teams will apply various processes to ensure the issue is resolved in a reasonable manner.

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