FAQ Glossary

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

Below is a list of all our frequently asked questions articles. As with all product documentation, these will be updated and expanded over time. If you have any questions that you would like to have added, please get in touch with our Support team.



Quinyx general usage FAQ

Quinyx, getting started

Agreement templates FAQ

agreement templates, agreement

Absence FAQ

absence, part-time absence

Absence schedule FAQ

absence schedule, recurring absence

Attest FAQ

attest, punches, time, attested worked hours, batch attest

Audit logs FAQ

audit logs, schedule, time, salary, configuration

Availability FAQ

availability, mobile availability

Bank holidays FAQ

bank holidays, special days

Base schedule FAQ

base schedule, schedule templates, rollout

Colors FAQ

colors, shift colors, absence colors,

Dashboard FAQ

dashboard, upcoming events

Daylight Saving Time FAQ

DST, daylight saving time

Defect management FAQ

defect, mean time to resolution, MTTR

Documents FAQ

documents, attachments

Dutch vacation configuration FAQ

Dutch vacation configuration, statutory and non-statutory balances

E-signature (Scrive) FAQ

e-signature, scrive, agreement

Group management FAQ

group management, organization

Integrations FAQ

integrations, API, REST, SOAP

Integration keys FAQ

integration keys, API

Languages FAQ

languages, changing language

Meal breaks FAQ

meal breaks, breaks

Organization FAQ

organization, role management

People FAQ

people, employees

Overtime FAQ

overtime, overtime period, overtime methods, salary type

Punches FAQ

punch, task, shift

Qmail FAQ

qmail, attachments, notifications

Quinyx and insights FAQ

insights, SSO, data

Reports FAQ

reports, analytics

Roles and access rights FAQ

roles, access rights, inherited members, staff category

Scheduling FAQ

scheduling, bulk delete, bulk edit, schedule time enumeration

Single Sign On FAQ

single sign on, SSO

Shifts and shift types FAQ

shift types, shifts, shifts on agreement templates

Statistics FAQ

statistics, scheduled hours, productive hours, salary cost

Transfer to payroll FAQ

transfer to payroll, daybreak, salary period, time

Unavailability FAQ

unavailability, availability, schedule, make available

Weekly rest defined on an employee agreement FAQ

weekly rest, employee agreement, daybreak, daily rest

Why does a Time Tracker balance change without transactions FAQ

time trackers, balance, transfer to payroll, definitive transfer, unlocked periods

Webpunch FAQ

Webpunch, punch in

What's included in the release candidate copy? FAQ

release candidate, RC, biweekly releases

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