Roles and access rights FAQ

Updated by Victor Jespersen

Q: What is the purpose of inherited group members and them being visible in all underlying units?

A: The purpose of inherited members is to give the person access to everything below where he/she is added. So if a person is added as for example a District Manager on a District he/she will be an inherited member of all units and sections below that. The District Manager role will be inherited down so that he/she have the same access on all groups. In order for a user with a manager role to be visible in the schedule and be scheduled, they also need an employee role.

Q: I can't login to Quinyx, what's wrong?

A: Have a superuser colleague ensure that you have the correct role and an active user.

Q: What does the role None mean?

A: It can mean that the user has no role in the unit you're currently viewing, but rather on a section, for example.

Q: How do I share a staff member to several units?

A: Sharing is done from Roles overview, which you will reach by clicking the role name next to the employee details in People.

Click here to read more about sharing employees.
Q: What is the difference between staff category and role?

A: Staff category is a legacy concept for access rights for the mobile app employee access.

Role is the concept for managing permissions for mostly managers.

Read more about Access rights.
Q: Can I manage roles via the API/integrations?

A: You can get roles, but cannot create or update roles via the API. To create or update roles, you need to go to Account settings > Access rights > Role management while logged into the admin portal of the Web app.

To return the current roles, you can use GetNeoRoles.

Q: Where can I see when a role of an employee terminates?

A: You can view the role expiry date if you select People > Search for an employee > select the name of a role with blue text > hover over the role you want to see the expiry date. You will always be able to see the start and end date when hovering over your mouse over a role. So, the day after the end date will be the expiry date of the role.

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