Quinyx WFM Mobile v2.31.20
Possibility to see the connected shift when punching
When punching in the mobile apps you will now see the shift you are scheduled today and punching in and out on.
Manually set project, cost center and comment for the punch
It is now possible to manually select project, cost center and comment for the punch when you punch through the mobile apps. The three functions is ruled by the settings in the new "Mobile punch flow" tab in the agreements and are turned off by default.
Punch in/out for break
When punching with the mobile apps, if you have the type of time reporting "Punching in/out and breaks" set in the agreement we will show two new buttons next to "Punch out" called "Punch out for break" when punching out for break and "Punch in after break" after your break is done. These new buttons will punch you out and in straight away and ignore the leave reason popup dialogue and overtime dialoge, therefore making it possible to both have the leave reason dialogue available and punch in/out and breaks at the same time.