
Updated by Daniel Sjögren

Feature groups and permissions

Each feature within Quinyx is divided into feature groups or a single function. A feature group contains features throughout the application, and for each feature group you can define one permission. A single function is just for one specific thing within the application.

Example: Feature group Salary - includes all salary information within Quinyx, i.e the variables actual salary cost and forecasted salary cost in Schedule and salary details in People.

These are the currently existing feature groups and single features within Quinyx:



Present in

Account settings

  • The account settings that you can reach by clicking on the arrow next to your picture in the top right corner
  • Skills - define and administrate skills, skill templates and skill categories
  • Appearance - define color and logo for navigation bar
  • Tags - define and administrate tags and tag categories (if tag modules is active)

Account settings

Create pulse

  • Type of access managers should have to Pulse in the mobile app



  • Variables settings - add calculated variable and associated formula
  • Input data - add and configure forecast variables
  • Forecast configurations - configure forecasts

Account settings

Forecast overview

  • Controls visibility of the Forecast tab



  • Controls access to the Newsfeed overview
  • Allows the user to create, edit, publish, or delete newsfeed items with the organization via the web app

Opening hours

  • Allows for the configuration of opening hours per unit in group settings

Group settings

Optimization settings

  • Allows for users to configure event categories and variable settings

Integrations credentials

  • Integration credentials - generate, edit delete

Account settings

Integrations API keys

  • Allows for regeneration of API keys
  • API key management
This is only available to account managers with access to account settings and permission for integration credentials.

Account settings


  • People tab in People
  • People details in People
  • Agreements in People
  • Upcoming events in Dashboard (Birthdays, skill expiry, agreement expiry)


Initiate E-signing

  • Initiating the actual E-signing process


People agreements

  • Type of access a user should have to Agreements after clicking on a person in People


People details

  • Controls what type of access a user should have to People details after clicking on a person in People



  • Associating any documentation relevant for an employee, for example, an employment contract, a certification, etc.


Preview PDF

  • Previewing a pdf document that can contain mapped data from Quinyx
  • Used to generate employment contracts with information from Quinyx that can then be printed
In order to use this feature, PDF templates must be uploaded to your environment. This can be done in Account settings > PDF Forms.


View E-signed documents

  • Previewing E-signing documents before initiating the signing process
  • Viewing E-signed documents
  • Downloading previously signed documents



  • The Qmail icon and the form you get to by clicking the icon
  • Note: Whether Quinyx sends notifications depends solely on the settings in Account settings > Group management > [Unit name] > Advanced unit settings > Messages

Write access is the default access for all roles on the Qmail permission



  • Salary in People - Agreement details
  • Standard variable in Schedule - Actual salary cost
  • Standard variable in Schedule - Forecasted salary cost
  • Punched hours report




  • Shifts and tasks in Schedule, in the Notifications panel, and in the Time card
  • Notice of interest in Schedule and in Shift control center
  • Shift swap in Shift control center
  • Base Schedule
  • Upcoming events in Dashboard (shift bookings, shift swaps, notice of interest)
  • Staffing chart and optimization bar in Dashboard
  • Scheduling widget in Dashboard (Notice of interest, shift bookings, unassigned shifts, shift coverage)
  • Sales widget in Dashboard (chart and forecasted vs actual sales bar)
  • Approving/denying absence requests in the mobile app's Manager-tab



  • Absence in Schedule, in the Notifications panel, and in the Time card
  • Absence request in Schedule and shift control center
  • Upcoming events in Dashboard (absence requests)
  • Scheduling widget in Dashboard (absence requests)
  • Approving/denying absence requests in the mobile app's Manager-tab
Note! This permission allows managers to approve their own absence requests.


Lock schedule

  • Allows for the locking/unlocking of the Schedule view.
  • Controls if any users can add, edit, and delete shifts, punches, salary types, and tasks in a given time period. If locked, any changes are not possible.



  • Punches in Schedule and in the Time card
  • Attesting in Schedule


Manual salary types

  • Controls if the user can use add, edit and delete manual salary types inside the Time card’s Salary type overview.



  • Controls if the user can add, edit, and delete availability items in the web app.
  • Approving/denying availability items in the mobile app's Manager-tab.


Time Tracker

  • Controls if the user can access the Time Trackers view in Account settings
  • Allows the user to add, edit, and delete Time Trackers in Account settings

Account settings


  • Account
  • Controls if the user can give a role to another user
  • Help & feedback
  • Language
  • Log out


Shift types

  • Controls the type of access a user should have to the Shift types menu (and menus below) under account settings/group settings.

Group settings

Apply rules

  • Controls if the user can update salary type rules from shift types on historical shifts and update multiple shift types in different units at the same time.

Group settings


  • Controls what type of access a user should have to tags under account settings/group settings and tags follow up under Analytics (note that this only affects customers that are using the tags module)


Task Management

  • Controls if the user can create new resources(Events, Files, Forms, Tasks, Stories, Widgets, etc) in the Frontline Portal.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can distribute created resources(Events, Files, Forms, Tasks, Stories, Widgets, etc) in the Frontline Portal.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can view the Event module in the Frontline Portal.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can view the Files module in the Frontline Portal.
    This permission currently only affects the mobile app.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can view the Forms module in the Frontline Portal.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can view the Home module in the Frontline Portal.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can view the Reports module in the Frontline Portal.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can view the Story module in the Frontline Portal.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can view the Task module in the Frontline Portal.
    This permission currently only affects the mobile app.

Frontline Portal


  • Controls if the user can view the Widget module in the Frontline Portal.

Frontline Portal

Transfer to payroll

Controls what type of access a user should have to the Time view. For this permission, the following behavior can be expected for the three different access levels:

  • No access: The user will get an error message when clicking the Time tab indicating there aren't sufficient permissions to access the page.
  • Read access: The user will be able to enter the Time tab assuming there is read access on the current unit. What’s more, the user will be able to select data for the units on which the user has read access but not perform any payroll-related actions when those have been added.
  • Write access: The user will be able to enter the Time tab assuming there is at least read access on the current unit. What’s more, the user will be able to select data for the units on which the user has read access. For the units on which the user has write access, the user is able to perform payroll-related actions such as transferring to payroll, reverting etc.

Read access is the default access for all roles on the Transfer to payroll permission. 

Note that an exception to this is role templates created prior to version 0085; those will have read access by default unless they have "No access" on the Scheduling > Punches permission specifically - in that case, the default access will be No access.


The Salary type overview widget on the time card, including any items listed in that widget, currently isn’t controlled by any permission.

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