Delete data from Quinyx
To be able to delete previously uploaded forecast related data into the Quinyx system the following is used
Api-docs for rc :
Api-docs :
DELETE /forecast-variables/{externalForecastVariableId}/actual-data
This deletes the actual data for the variable for a selected period of time
- externalForecastVariableId - ID for a unit as set up for units in Account settings→Statistics→Input Data→ <select your variable> → External ID
- externalUnitId - External ID for a unit as set up for units in Account Settings → Group Management → *Unit Name* → Unit Integration Keys
- externalSectionId - External ID for a section as set up for units in Account Settings → Group Management → *Section Name* → Section Integration Keys
- startTime - from when you want to delete raw-data. Must be set to start of an hour
- endTime - To when you want to delete raw-data. Must be set to start of an hour
DELETE /forecast-variables/{externalForecastVariableId}/budget-data
This deletes the uploaded (budget-data) data for the variable for a selected period of time
- externalForecastVariableId - ID for a unit as set up for units in Account settings→Statistics→Input Data→ <select your variable> → External ID
- externalUnitId - External ID for a unit as set up for units in Account Settings → Group Management → *Unit Name* → Unit Integration Keys
- externalSectionId - External ID for a section as set up for units in Account Settings → Group Management
→ *Section Name* → Section Integration Keys - startTime - from when you want to delete raw-data. Must be set to start of an hour
- endTime - To when you want to delete raw-data. Must be set to start of an hour
Deletes a dynamic rule for a group, under Group Settings > Dynamic Rules
- externalDynamicRuleId - found in the URL when navigating to Group Settings → Dynamic Rules → and opening one of the dynamic rules
- externalSectionId - External ID for a section as set up for sections in Account Settings → Group Management → *Section Name* → Section Integration Keys
- externalUnitId - External ID for a unit as set up for units in Account Settings → Group Settings → *Unit Name* → Unit Integration Keys
Deletes a static rule for a group, under Group Settings > Static Rules
- externalSectionId - External ID for a section as set up for sections in Account Settings → Group Management → *Section Name* → Section Integration Keys
- externalStaticRuleId - found in the URL when navigating to Group Settings → Static Rules → and opening one of the static rules
- externalUnitId - External ID for a unit as set up for units in Account Settings → Group Management → *Unit Name* → Unit Integration Keys