Version 0099
Release date January 13, 2021
Upcoming release dates
To ensure the best possible support for our customers for releases to RC and Production over the Christmas and New Year's holidays, we made the following changes to the release calendar:
- Core-392/Neo-99 release to RC from January 7 to January 4, 2021
- Core-392/Neo-99 release to Production untouched and stays as planned January 13, 2021
New functionality
Schedule and Base schedule
Absence shift filter field logic
Until version 0099, absence shifts only displayed on their absences if shifts were selected in the filters. Due to popular demand, they now depend on absences being selected. User feedback made it clear that absence shifts are an integral part of absences and should therefore display as long as absences display.


Currently, absence shifts are still dependent on the shift section and shift type. We will address this in coming releases.
Badge number as a filter option
Now in both Schedule and Base schedule, you’re able to filter your employees by badge number. You can do this using the current Employee field. The badge number displays in brackets after the employee's name:

You can adjust the drop-down’s values in this field by searching for:
- Employee name only
- Employee badge number only
- Both employee name and employee badge number
General filter improvement
Until version 0099, in both Schedule and Base schedule, selecting a value in the following fields in turn populated the employee field:
- Home unit
- Employee section
- Staff category
- Skills (in Base schedule only)
This behavior caused issues, both related to the saving of favorite filters in Schedule and also from a user experience point of view. For this reason, we changed the logic for the above fields so that it no longer populates the Employee field.
Shift type filter field details
In the drop-down of the Shift type filter field in Schedule and Base schedule, we now display shift types with the same details as in the shift type drop-down of the Add shift / Edit shift panel. This means:
- The shift type color appears in front of the shift type name.
- After the shift type name, the times configured on the shift type will display.

This is particularly valuable for those of you who have multiple shift types with identical names but with different times.
Staff category filter field in Base schedule
For quite some time, the staff category filter field has been available in Schedule but not in Base schedule. As of this release, we’re adding that filter option to Base schedule. The field works as it does in Schedule in that:
- You’re able to select any staff categories defined on your account, regardless of whether or not any employees in your base schedule actually have the staff category in question.
- Selecting a staff category displays only employees in your base schedule who have that staff category; selecting multiple staff categories displays all employees in your base schedule who have any of those staff categories.
- Selecting a staff category leaves the Employee field unpopulated (the same behavior as described above under General filter improvement).
- The relation between the selections in this field and those in other shift filter fields is impacted by the and/or toggle at the bottom of the filter panel.
- Any selections in the shift status filter are considered in the base schedule hours (statistics).
You can now turn off and on variables in the forecast overview page by clicking on them in the graph view
Compare Mode for Forecast Overview
- In this release we have added the functionality to compare a single variable between up to 10 different units.
- More information on Comparison can be found on the Forecast Overview page.

Updates and performance improvements
- We've changed the text that is displayed when you set a one time password for an employee.
- The unit selector in People agreements now looks to what unit the person has a role on.
- As a result of much needed performance improvements in Time, the Adjust view panel in Time will now close when you click “Apply” in the bottom left corner of the panel and reopen once the results of your request display.
Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue in Schedule that caused inactive projects to be shown in the drop-down menu for projects when adding a shift.
API / Web service updates
Please see Classic version 392 release notes for more information about API and Web services updates.