Mobile and staff portal permissions - detailed information

Updated by Daniel Sjögren


Leave application

Allows employees to submit a leave application.



Allows employees to read News.

Task Management

Task management

  • Controls if the user can view new resources(Events, Files, Forms, Tasks, Stories, Widgets, etc) for the Frontline Portal within the Quinyx mobile app.
Note that the permissions only control whether or not each of the listed modules is visible in the menu Bar of the mobile app.

Users may still be able to access these functionalities elsewhere, but these permissions only specify whether or not they're available in the collapsable side menu.


  • Controls if the user can view the Event module for the Frontline Portal within the Quinyx mobile app.


  • Controls if the user can view the Files module for the Frontline Portal within the Quinyx mobile app.


  • Controls if the user can view the Forms module for the Frontline Portal within the Quinyx mobile app.

Frontline Home

  • Controls if the user can view the Home module for the Frontline Portal within the Quinyx mobile app.


  • Controls if the user can view the Reports module for the Frontline Portal within the Quinyx mobile app.


  • Controls if the user can view the Story module for the Frontline Portal within the Quinyx mobile app.


  • Controls if the user can view the Tasks module for the Frontline Portal within the Quinyx mobile app.



Allows the user to view the dashboard module in the mobile app.



Allows the users to view the messenger module.

Messenger group selector

Allows users to use the group selector within the messenger module.



Allows users to view the MyPage module.

MyPage - Address

Allows users to enter the users home address under profile details.

MyPage - Badge Number

Allows users to view badge number under profile details.

MyPage - Country

Allows users to enter country under profile details.

MyPage - Email

Allows user to view email address under profile details.

MyPage - Mobile Number

Allows users to enter mobile phone number under profile details.

MyPage - Qpayslip

Allows users to view Qpayslip.

MyPage - Name

Allows user to enter name under profile details.

MyPage - Next of Kin

Allows user to set a next of kin under profile details.

Notice of Interest

Notice of Interest

Allows user to send a notice of interest to manager.



Allows users to view Qmails in the mobile app.

Send Qmail

Allows users to send Qmails through the mobile app.



Allows user access to the schedule.

Schedule - Add Shift as Employee

Allows employee to add a shift to the schedule.

Schedule - Add Tasks as Employee

Allows employee to add a task to their shift.

Schedule - Book Shift

Allows employees to book an open shift.

Schedule - Colleague's Shifts

Allows employee to see and filter to see their colleagues shifts on the schedule in addition to theirs.

Schedule - Delete Shift as Employee

Allows employee to delete a shift from the schedule.

Schedule - Delete Existing Tasks as Employee

Allows employee to delete a task from a shift.

Schedule - Edit Shift as Employee

Allows employee to edit a shift on the schedule.

Schedule - Edit Existing Tasks as Employee

Allows employee to edit a task on a shift.

Schedule - Estimated Salary for Open Shifts

Provides the user with an estimated salary for an unassigned/open shift.

Schedule - Make Available

Allows employee to make their shift available.

Schedule - Swap Shifts

Allows employees to swap shifts.

Schedule - Unassigned Shifts

Allows employees to see unassigned shifts on the schedule and schedule filter.

Schedule - Unit Selection

Allows employee to select different units on the schedules filter.

Schedule - Allow managers to see unpublished schedule

Allows the user to see unpublished schedules. It's turned on by default, which means the default value is that managers can view unpublished shifts in the mobile app.

This setting will only affect users with a manager role in the units/sections where they have a manager role. Users without a manager role will never see unpublished schedules.

Schedule - Summary

Schedule Summary

Allows user to view a summary of the schedule for a specified time period.

Nominal Hours

Allows user to view nominal hours on the schedule summary.

Schedule Hours

Allows user to view the scheduled hours on the schedule summary.

Worked Hours

Allows user to view the worked hours on the schedule summary.



Allows users to create new availabilities.



Allows users to see the mobile app settings.


Attest - Time

Allows user to attest a time punch.

Attest - Estimated salary for chosen time period

Allows the user to estimate salary for chosen time period.

Attest - Punch in and out

Allows user to Attest a time punch.

Attest - Punch with Tag

Allows the user to punch in with tag.

Time - Punches


Allows the user to view punches under the attest tab.

Attest Punches

Allows the user to attest punches within the attest tab.

Delete Punches

Allows the user to delete punches within the attest tab.

Manual salary types

Allows the user to add salary types to punches manually.

Salary types

Allows the user to view the generated salary types.

Time trackers

Allows the user to view the Time trackers and their value.

Time - Punches - Add Punch

Add Punch

Allows user to add a time punch on the "Attest" page.

Add Comment

Allows user to add a comment with their time punch.

Add Cost Center

Allows a user to select a cost center with their punch.

Add in/out time

Allows user to select in/out time with their time punch.

Add overtime

Allows user to add overtime with their time punch.

Add project

Allows user to select a project with their time punch.

Add unsocial time

Allows user to add unsocial time with their time punch.

Time - Punched - Edit Punch

Edit Punch

Allows user to edit their punch later.

Edit Coment

Allows user to edit the comment associated with their punch.

Edit Cost Center

Allows user to edit the cost center associated with their punch.

Edit in/out Time

Allows user to edit the in/out time associated with their punch.

Edit Overtime

Allows user to edit the overtime associated with their punch.

Edit Project

Allows user to edit the project selection associated with their punch.

Edit Unsocial Time

Allows user to edit the unsocial time associated with their punch.

Modify Agreements

Allows user to change the agreement associated with their punch.

Split Punch

Allows user the ability to split the time punch.



Provides user access to the My Colleagues page.

Colleagues Address

Allows user to view their colleagues' addresses.

Colleagues Country

Allows user to view their colleagues' country.

Colleagues Email

Allows user to view their colleagues' email address.

Colleagues Mobile Number

Allows user to view their colleagues' mobile phone number.

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