Quinyx and Insights FAQ
Q: How can I reach Insights from Quinyx?
A: We will not add a Single Sign-On (SSO) link from Quinyx to Insights in the near future. Instead, users can log in to Insights with an email address and password via https://insights.quinyx.com/. However, if the user has previously logged in via the SSO link, their account will be "locked" to SSO, and will not be able to log in with email and password. Through our support, you can request that we unlock all your user accounts so that they can log in directly.
Once accounts are unlocked, the user needs to set a new password by navigating to https://insights.quinyx.com/ and clicking on "Forgot password?". Here, they need to enter their Quinyx email address. It must be a real/valid email address, as they will be sent an email with password reset instructions.
Q: How do I add user accounts to Insights manually now that we don't have an SSO link?
A: Any user with an admin account in Insights can add users in Insights.
- In the top-right profile menu in Insights, click on Company settings.
- You should automatically land on the "Users" menu item. Click Invite user.
- Enter the user's email address, first name, and last name.
- Select their permissions - i.e. which units, metrics, and groupings they should have access to. E.g. if they are a local (unit) manager, they should probably only have access to their store (unit) under Stores.
- If you have set up different company dashboards, you can also assign the user a default company dashboard so they see it directly when they log in.
Q: How often is data synced between Quinyx and Insights?
A: Data is synched between Quinyx and Insights every 24 hours, usually between 00:00 and 06:00 UTC.
Q: How much data is synched?
A: Data is only synched for 45 days back in time and 45 days forward.
Q: Why don't the numbers in Insights match those in Quinyx?
A: The numbers will not always match up, and this is normal. It is due to several reasons:
- Insights summarizes all numbers by calendar date, not business date, so if there are shifts and punches over midnight in the selected period, you will see slightly different figures.
- In Insights, all absence hours are included in scheduled/worked hours by default. The customer can filter out all/some absence types to get a 1:1 match.
- Data is synched to Insights once per day. If changes have been made to shifts/punches/absences since the last sync was completed, the numbers in Quinyx and Insights will no longer match up.
- Any salary types (and their connected punches) that are configured to not be transferred to payroll will not be included in Insights.
Q: Can I setup reports to be emailed to a specific set of users?
A: Yes, this is done under Company Settings → Analytics Post Definitions and Subscriptions
Q: After I log in and make changes to the Insights dashboard, will this affect other users?
A: No, this will only affect your user login, unless you are using a Team dashboard.