Adding an absence

Updated by Victor Jespersen

Creating absences in the Quinyx Schedule view is easy, and this article will guide you on how to do it.

Accessing the absence side panel

You need to open the Add absence side panel to add an absence. You can do this in two different ways. You can navigate to it either by clicking the + icon > Absence.

or, you can click on an employee's shift in the schedule, and then click More options > Add absence.

Both of these methods open the Add absence side panel, where you can enter all relevant absence information for an employee.

Mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk *
Note that since the free day setting is, by definition, a blocker to indicate the employee isn’t supposed to work during said time slot, free day shifts will remain unchanged when you add an absence on top of them. This also goes regardless of what you select in the Shifts in this period dropdown in the Add absence form drop-down.

Adding an absence

To add an absence:

  1. Select the employee for whom you want to add an absence.

Add the date and times of the absence. Tick the All day box if the absence is for one entire day, 24 hours. The All day checkbox will be:

  • Ticked when you enter the Add absence panel from clicking a cell in the schedule.
  • Ticked when you enter the Add absence panel by clicking the + in the top right-hand corner of the schedule.
  • Unticked when you enter the Add absence panel from the button at the bottom of the Edit shift panel.

In cases 1 and 2 above, if the same date is selected as the start and end date, for instance, 2022-04-25, the start and end date will remain the same when you untick the checkbox, whereas the start and end times of the absence will be a one hour-interval. Said one-hour interval occurs 12 hours after your business daybreak, so if the business daybreak configured in your unit settings is 2 am, then the default absence times would be 2 pm-3 pm.

In cases 1 and 2 above, if multiple dates are selected as start and end dates, for instance, 2022-04-25 - 2022-04-30, those same dates will remain the same when you untick the checkbox, whereas the start and end times of the absence will be the business daybreak to business daybreak. By means of example, if the business daybreak configured in your unit settings is 2 am, then the default absence times would be 2 am - 2 am.

In case 3 above, nothing has changed from before; the default dates and times will reflect the shift you’re entering the absence from.

If you select various different dates prior to unticking the checkbox in question, the above behavior will unfortunately not apply due to technical limitations. This is something we aim to address in due time.
If you create an absence from Shift panel > Add absence, the default times of the absence will be that of the shift from which you created the absence. If you create an absence by clicking + > Add absence in a schedule cell or by clicking + > Absence, the default absence times will always be 12-13.
  1. Select an absence type.
  2. You can select whether the absence should be attested by the employee, manager, or both. Depending on your settings, the employee to whom the absence relates may need to attest the absence before the manager is able to do so. 
  3. You can view the employee's Time Tracker balance as of the current date. Read more about Time Trackers here.
  4. Enter an absence schedule, if necessary. Read more about absence schedules here.
  5. Add an optional comment.
  6. Click Save.
Tip! It's possible to add an absence after an employee's end date has passed.

Example: Today is the 3rd of September. Employee X's last date to work was the 2nd of September. It's possible to go to a date when the employee was still employed and add an absence.
It’s possible to change the absence type in an absence where absence scheduling is used. It’s not possible to change the absence schedule in an existing absence (in that case you need to create a new absence). 
Employees are notified when the date or time of an existing absence is changed (given the manager hasn't paused notifications).

It is possible to create an absence with a duration of up to 24 months.

It is not possible to set a maximum number for the number of consecutive days for which someone can apply for an absence request.

Part-time absence

When selecting the part-time absence option, Quinyx offers two possibilities for handling the splitting of existing shifts. You can either split the absence per shift or split it per day.

Note: If you want your part-time absence to be applied for the remainder of the day, leave the To-date and time field as it is since 00:00 refers to the beginning of the day after the absence.
Split per shift

In the example below, we will for simplicity add a part-time absence for an employee who has a single shift.

When you add an absence and enter a part-time percentage, you will be presented with the option to Split per shift.

After you have selected to split per shift, these options will be presented in the drop-down where you select what should happen with the shift(s).

You can then select whether the absence should be at the beginning of the shift or at the end and what will happen with the shift(s) during the times the employee is absent (delete, unassign).

Keep the start of the day: The absence will be added to the shift(s) at the end of the day based on the selected percentage.

Keep the end of the day: The absence will be added to the shift(s) at the beginning of the day based on the selected percentage.

Split per day

In the example below, we will add a part-time absence for an employee who has two shifts per day on three days.

When you add an absence and enter a part-time percentage, you will also be presented with the option to Split per day.

When you've selected to split the shifts per day, these options will be presented in the drop-down where you select what should happen with the shifts.

Keep the start of the day: The absence will be added to the shifts at the end of the day based on the selected percentage.

Keep the end of the day: The absence will be added to the shifts at the beginning of the day based on the selected percentage.

Once you've selected one of the options above and saved, the absence will be added, and your shift will be split accordingly.

When selecting split per day, it’s not possible to choose different actions for different days. All days will be split the same.
Quinyx doesn't support keep and reassign options when splitting a shift per day for part time absences.

Employee comment when approving/denying absence requests

As a manager, you can view the optional Employee comment in the absence request if one has been added.

Using this feature, an employee can provide more context surrounding the absence request needing to be approved by their manager.

For more information on how to create an absence request as an employee using the mobile app, read here.

Manager comment when approving/denying absence requests

You can easily view the Manager comment field in the absence application panel.

Using this feature, a manager can add a comment when denying or approving absence requests. When a comment is added when approving an absence request, that comment will subsequently be visible in the manager comment field of that same absence, but the absence is sent as a Qmail to that employee. If, instead, a comment is added to an absence request that's being denied,  that comment will be sent to the employee through Qmail. 

This feature is useful for multiple reasons:

  • It allows you, as a manager, to inform your employees about why their absence request has been approved or denied in an easy way.
  • It might be helpful to you as a manager in that it helps you remember why you approved an absence day, weeks, or months after you approved it.
  • At a later stage, you will be able to see in Quinyx' future audit logs the comment explaining to the employee in question why an absence request was approved or denied days, weeks, or months after you approved it.

Change absence type when approving absence requests

A manager can update the absence type when approving absence requests.

When an absence type is updated and the absence request is approved, that absence type will subsequently be visible in the absence type field of that same absence. However, if an absence type is updated on an absence request that's being denied, that change will not be reflected anywhere.

The default value of this field will be the absence type selected by the employee when the absence request was created. When selecting the absence type, the list of possible absence types will be the same as the one manager can see when manually adding the absence for the same employee.

This feature is useful because it allows you as a manager to update the absence type in cases where there has been a miscommunication with the employee and where the absence type needs to be updated in order to have a correct Time Tracker balance and employee's payslip.

Absences and business daybreak

When an absence is added, Quinyx will look at the business daybreak settings of the employee's home unit when checking that the absence isn't ending after the employee has left the company and that it doesn't start before the employee has joined the company. 

You can configure your unit's business daybreak settings in Account settings > Group management > [Selected unit] > Advanced unit settings > Misc. > Daybreak.

Absence visualized in Schedule

Absence in the Schedule view is visualized differently in the actual schedule depending on whether or not a shift is affected by the absence.

When having a section selected in the group selector, then the only absences and absence requests that will display are those of employees that have a role (member/inherited member) on the section and whose home unit is also the unit of the section in question.

Absence with an absence shift

An absence with an absence shift displays both the absence and the previously scheduled shift.

The above behavior only applies when the absence shift is located on the unit currently selected in the Quinyx group selector. If the absence shift is located on another unit, then currently that absence shift will only display as unavailability - both on the current unit and on the other unit.
The salary information of absence shifts on other units will display in the time card of the unit they de facto take place on.

Absence without an absence shift

An absence without an absence shift displays the absence type only.

Future absences

There are certain situations when future absences display differently. Future absences are greyed out when:

  • An employee doesn't have an active agreement.
  • Attest into the future is off.

Absences in another unit

If you have employees who work on multiple units, you can see absences created for employees on other units. Away-group absences are recognized by a dark grey background, black slanted lines, and white text.

Deleting an absence

To delete an absence:

  1. Hover over an absence.
  2. Select the bin icon.
  3. Select Delete.

Once you have selected the Delete button Quinyx will ask what you want to do with the shift beneath the absence.

In the last window, you can choose whether you want to reassign the shift beneath to the employee or delete the shift beneath once the absence is deleted. If you choose Yes, the shift will be reassigned to the employee and if you choose No, the shift will be deleted.

Watch a short video tutorial about absence management here!
Read more about using APIs related to Punches & Payroll data here.

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