Quinyx WFM glossary

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

We've assembled a glossary to help you understand Quinyx terminology and workforce management concepts. You can use the keywords related to the terms below when you want to search for something specific in HelpDocs.




Absence is an umbrella term which covers all types of absences from work, either planned or unplanned. For example, if someone doesn't show up to work they are absent, but they are not on leave because it was not planned or notified in advance. Read more here.

Keywords: absence, leave, unplanned/planned absence, part-time absence, absence shift, absence handling, absence schedule.

Absence request

An absence request is sent from the employee to the manager.

Keywords: absence request, notification logic.

Absence schedule

Sometimes an absence is entered well into the future before there is a shift for the period. In such cases, no salary-based shift is created during the absence. This means the employee will not receive any leave compensation. To counteract this, we have support for the absence schedule which, simply put, comprises weekly templates which can be selected in the absence dialogue to create salary-based replacement shifts during the absence. Read more here.

Keywords: absence, absence schedule, part-time absence, absence shift.

Absence type

Different types of absences, such as holiday, illness, parental leave, personal day, long-term illness, etc. Absence types are used during the actual absence reporting process and are visible to employees and the manager in different places in the system. The absence reason carry the absence code that must reflect what is set up in your payroll system. You can also link salary types to a absence reason in order to see the output in the Time card, but also needed if you want to use cost calculations in Quinyx.

Keywords: absence type, holiday, illness, parental leave, personal leave, sick leave, long-term illness.

Absence type category

Absence types are grouped into different categories. Each category can have different combinations of properties e.g. salary-based, sickness (illness), permission, vacation (holiday), counts as scheduled hours etc.

Keywords: absence type, absence.

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics offers a set of dashboards for you to visualize and analyze your WFM-related data to see trends across your business. The dashboards are found under the Analytics tab within Quinyx.

Keywords: Advanced analytics, analytics

Agreement template

An agreement can be viewed as a framework defining what rules regarding working hours are applicable to the individual, for example, whether the employee is paid on a monthly or an hourly basis, the employee's working time quota, calculation period, employment level, etc. Read more about agreement templates here.

Keywords: agreement template, agreements.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence is a set of algorithms that are able to cope with unforeseen circumstances. It differs from machine learning in that it can be fed unstructured data and still function.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, AI, demand forecasting

AI Demand Forecasting

Quinyx AI Demand Forecasting is a separate AI module that looks at historical data and provides a forecast for a future period. In most cases, the forecast is generated automatically for a given period (e.g. for one week 4 weeks in advance) at a specific time granularity (e.g. weekly). You must contact your Quinyx representative to activate this module.

Keywords: AI, demand forecasting, forecasting


An algorithm can either be a sequence of simple if → then statements or a sequence of more complex mathematical equations. The complexity of an algorithm will depend on the complexity of each individual step it needs to execute, and on the sheer number of steps the algorithm needs to execute.

Quinyx uses algorithms as a process or set of rules that are followed to generate a result, such as a forecast or a schedule. Read more about Forecast algorithms here.

Keywords: algorithm, forecast, predictions, automatic forecast predictions.


We've opened up parts of our User API for our external partners and customers to be able to integrate with. Quinyx uses SOAP APIs (Classic) and has an extensive list available here.

We're currently building REST APIs in Quinyx.

Keywords: API, SOAP, REST.

Assigned shift

A shift assigned to a specific employee.

Keywords: shift, assign, assignee, assign employee.


Approving worked hours. Read more here.

Keywords: attest, approve, approving time, time warnings, payroll actions.


Availability allows you to see if employees are available (or not available) in the Schedule view. The purpose of this feature is to provide additional help in the scheduling process to find relevant employees to schedule for a particular shift, but also to simplify scheduling employees who are shared across units. You see when employees who are shared to your unit have shifts on other units, but also be able to see when your employee is scheduled elsewhere.

Away unit

A unit other than a home unit. Read more here.

Keywords: away unit, sorting,

Bank holiday

A public holiday when banks and many other businesses are closed for the day. Bank holidays vary by country. You can read more about setting up bank holidays here.

Keywords: bank holiday, special days, agreement templates, schedule view.

Base schedule

A schedule template that is reusable. Read more here.

Keywords: base schedule, publish, overview, statistics, metrics.

Borrowed / lent out

Refers to an employee that is borrowed from or lent out to a different unit.

Keywords: staff sharing, share an employee, role management, borrow.

Calculated variable

Refers to a variable that is a calculation between two other variables, either standard or input data.

Keywords: calculated variable, variable, forecast, optimization.

Cost center

A cost center is a type of cost bearer that can be attached to various objects in Quinyx like shifts, sections, units, districts, or employees. Read more here.


The dashboard provides you with status updates and visualizations for a selection of Quinyx measures and information. Read more here.

Keywords: dashboard, staffing, upcoming events, sales.


Daybreak means the time of the day that is considered by the system as the end of one day and the start of the next day. We have multiple daybreaks in Quinyx. Read more about daybreak here.

Keywords: daybreak, business daybreak, payroll actions, time tab, schedule view.


Districts are used to divide a number of units that are, for example, placed on different geographic locations.

Keywords: district, group management, organizational structure, schedule on district level.


This is the customer-level and is the highest level in the structure. The customer is created by Quinyx, and here we add general information like contact details, applicable modules, and the number of  licences the customer is entitled to.

Keywords: customer-level, domain, group management.

"Dutch vacation" configuration

A Time Tracker configuration used in the Netherlands where holiday entitlement is split into statutory vacation and non-statutory vacation.

Event management

Events are any occurrences that either would result in an increase or a decrease of your forecast values, and therefore also your optimal headcount values. In Quinyx you are able to define events and make sure that your forecasts are more realistic also during these special occurrences while in turn making sure that you schedule according to the correct required headcount. Read more here.

Keywords: event management, forecast, optimal headcount.


Sometimes known as a prediction. Refers to data in the future which is predicted either manually or using internal or external prediction methods. Read more here.

Keywords: forecast, configuration, algorithm, optimization, calculated variables, input data.

Forecast Configuration

Refers to a method that has been setup to generate a future prediction for a business driver / variable. Read more here.

Keywords: forecast, configuration, algorithm, optimization, calculated variables, input data.

Free day

A Quinyx concept indicating the employee is not supposed to work this day. Read more here.

Keywords: absence schedule, generate salaries on tasks, shifts, agreement templates - rules for hours.

Frontline worker

At Quinyx, we view frontline employees as workers who must be physically present at work (e.g., in retail, healthcare, food service, and warehousing) and who often perform tasks that require human-specific skills, including interacting with customers.


GDPR is a European Union law with mandatory rules for how organizations and companies must use personal data in an integrity-friendly way. Read more here.

Keywords: data protection, personal data

Ghost punch

A punch that cannot be deleted.

Keywords: ghost punch, punch, warning messages


Refers to the number of people (per shift, per day, per hour, and so forth) and is used to configure optimal headcount. Read more here.

Keywords: headcount, optimal headcount, staffing, statistics

Home unit

An employee's primary unit, i.e., the main place an employee works.

Keywords: home unit, basic scenarios, advanced scenarios, absence request notification logic.

Identity Provider (IDP)

An IDP is a system entity that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for principals and asl provides authentication services relying upon applications within a federation or distributed network such as Azure, Okta, Google

Keywords: SSO, Azure, Okta, Google

Input Data

Data that is passed to Quinyx from an external system. Read more here.

Keywords: input data, forecast, optimization, statistics, optimal headcount, algorithm.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a set of algorithms that are fed with structured data in order to complete a task without being programmed how to do so. A credit card fraud detection algorithm is a good example of machine learning. Have you ever received a message asking if your credit card was used in a certain country for a certain amount? Thank machine learning for that.

Keywords: Machine learning, MT, algorithms


An umbrella term for any user with system role above employee (i.e. login rights Neo).

Keywords: manager, group management, role management.


Mini-job (German: geringfügige Beschäftigung) is a German form of part time employees that work irregular hours and days per week. For these employees the employment rate and/or the nominal hours is normally zero and how much they work average per day changes continuously.

Nominal hours

The agreed base number of hours for an employee as defined in an agreement template. Read more here.

Keywords: nominal, monthly nominal hours per year, employee metrics, working hours and periods.

Norwegian self-certified sick leave

A Norwegian-specific set of rules for self-certifying sick days. Read more here.

Open punch

If an employee has forgotten to punch in and has an ongoing shift, you can add the punch during the ongoing shift so that the employee can punch out when the shift ends. Read more here.

Outcome salary type

When you add a salary type rule, you can choose the salary outcome. Selections include No salary type, Multiple salary types, and Specified salary type. Read more here.

Keywords: Outcome salary type, salary type rules,


Time worked in addition to normal working hours.

Keywords: overtime, OT, employee metrics, overtime methods.

Overtime levels

Overtime levels include overtime periods, worked hours, and overtime hours. Read more here.

Keywords: overtime levels, overtime periods, worked hours, overtime hours, overtime methods, minus time, additional time.

Overtime methods

Quinyx offers various calculation methods for overtime and additional time. Creating and using overtime methods allows you to granularly track and manage employees' overtime. Read more here.


A punch is a schedule object that indicates the time that the employee has worked for during a shift/task. When starting and/or ending your work day, the employee will punch in at the start of the shift, and punch out at the end of the shift. Read more here.

Keywords: punch, deviation, time warnings, attest.

Punch deviation

You can use this if an employee doesn't need to punch in and out. Quinyx goes by the employee's schedule and automatically generates punching in/out times which match the scheduled shifts' start and end times. Read more here.

Keywords: punch, deviation, time warnings, attest.


Think of Qmails as Quinyx-specific emails. In the Qmail tab, you can find all of the Qmails that have been sent to you and that you've sent to colleagues. The Qmails you receive can be both auto-generated messages regarding shift time changes, new shifts assigned to you, or absence request updates, as well as personal Qmails sent from your manager.

Rules for hours

You can set up rules for working time to help creating a correct schedule. If you breach any of the defined rules, Quinyx will then generate a warning, making the scheduler aware that a time rule has been violated. The warning can, however, be ignored.

Keywords: rules for hours, agreement templates - rules for hours, validation.

Salary types

Salary types are codes for the hours you worked. These are matched with the codes in the payroll system, to be translated into the amount you get paid for the hours you worked. This can be basic salary like monthly or hourly, but also includes additional salaries such as overtime or extra pay for working unsocial time or on weekends and compensations for leave. 

Keywords: salary, salary types, salary type rules, payroll.

Salary type rules

These allow you to define rules for extra salary types to be generated when an employee punches time on a specific shift. These rules can be defined on individual shifts in Schedule (but not in Base Schedule) as well as on shift type. Read more here.

Keywords: salary type rules, salary.

Shared employee

An employee shared between two or more units. Read more here.

Keywords: shared employee, staff sharing, role management, organization.

Schedule valdiations

When creating shifts in the schedule, Quinyx will validate the shift details against agreement settings and unit settings. These validations take place any time an existing one is edited or a new one is added, be it in the Notifications panel or directly in the schedule. Read more here.

Keywords: validations, warning messages.

Schedule view

The schedule view allows you to view and manage shifts and employees. Read more here.

Keywords: schedule view, schedule.


You can create sections in order to separate different areas or departments within a unit. Sections are, like districts, an optional level in the structure. Each section can have its onw schedules. Employees can be members of one or more sections but will have one defined as "home-section". Read more about sections here.

Keywords: section, organization, group management.


Shift is used to set start- and end date for each working day for the employee. Read more about shifts here.

Keywords: shift, shift types, bookings, absence shift.

Shift type

A category or type of shift. Examples include Early shift, Late Shift, Reception, etc. Read more about shift types here.

Keywords: shift, shift type, interruption shift.

Shift type category

You can use shift type categories to group different type of shift types into one category. Read more here.

Single Sign On (SSO)

SSO is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials.

Keywords: Single Sign On, SSO, authentication.

Social cost

Social cost is the percentage of both net cost and leave compensation combined. Read more here.

Keywords: social cost, agreement templates - salary, statistics in schedule/base schedule.

Standard Variable

Data which Quinyx masters and is not data from external systems or a calculation between multiple variables. Read more here.

Keywords: standard variable, variable, forecast, statistics, display groups.

Staff portal

The staff portal is the web-based interface for users with a non-manager role in Quinyx. The staff portal is available for all Quinyx users and works great on a desktop, tablet, or phone. Read more here.


Superusers are the administrators of a Quinyx setup with the highest access rights. They will have the Account manager/Manager (role level 1) and will in many cases be the source of contact with the Quinyx Support team and their organization.


A specific task or action to be done during a shift. Typically scheduled at a specific time during a shift. Read more here.

Keywords: task, generate salary on tasks, punches, shift types, agreement templates - time.


A container of properties that you can connect to shift types, shifts, or punches. Read more here.

Keywords: tag, tasks, example use cases.

Time Tracker

A unique Quinyx term. Time Trackers can be used for tracking vacation balances, time off in lieu or flextime, for example. Read more here.

Keywords: Time Tracker, agreement templates - Time Tracker, time card, practical examples.


Units are under districts in the organizational structure. Units are often defined as separate physical locations in the company. Units are mandatory to set up. There must be at least one unit for each customer.

Keywords: unit, home unit, group management, organizational structure, time tab, shift bookings.

Unsocial time

Unsocial hours payments are an enhanced rate of pay (or supplement) used to reward and incentivize staff for working when others are not (e.g., night shifts, weekends, and bank holidays). Read more here.

Keywords: unsocial time, UT, Agreement templates, salary type.


An umbrella term for any user of the system, regardless of their system role.

Keywords: user, user API.

Unassigned shift

An existing shift currently not assigned to a specific employee.

Keywords: unassigned shift, shift, schedule view.


This functionality enable you to see if employees are available (or not available) in the Schedule view. The purpose of this feature is to provide additional help in the scheduling process to find relevant employees to schedule for a particular shift, but also to simplify scheduling employees who are shared across units.


Refers to a specific KPI or data point related to the business's data. Either generated by Quinyx or by an external system and presented in Quinyx.

Keywords: variable, display group, statistics, forecast, optimization.


Vuosivapaa is a type of accrual of annual leave entitlement used in Finland. This is especially common for companies working in the hospitality and retail sectors and is required by law. Read more here.


Quinyx' own interactive system built to function on a variety of hardware such as computers, tablet, smart devices, and point of sale systems. Read more here. Read more here.

Keywords: webpunch, agreement templates - time, system requirements.

X day shift/Y day shift

X and V Days - Applies to the Finnish workforce, primarily for the Hotel and Restaurant industries. Simply put, if an employee has worked at least 5 days in one week, the employee earns two days off - called X and V day. Read more here.

Keyword: x/y day shift, group management.

8/13 rule for bank holidays

The 8/13 rule for bank holidays was created to allow our customers in retail in the Netherlands to configure a special rule so that if a bank holiday is on a Friday you have to have worked at least 8 of the previous 13 Fridays to be eligible for compensation on this bank holiday.

Keywords: 8/13 rule, bank holidays

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