How to investigate time settings

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

In this page we aim to support troubleshooting for the desired attestation process behavior according to the selected options available in Time Settings that manage punch attestation:

  • Hierarchical approval: Employees must approve time before a manager can approve.
  • Manager can approve employee: Allows a manager to approve at the employee level as well.

Different status combinations in different areas in the Schedule tab, produce different behaviors when adding attestation and when removing attestation.

In Edit punch option in the schedule view

Status 1

Status 2

Status 3

Status 4

Hierarchical approval: Employees must approve time before a manager can approve.





Manager can approve employee: Allows a manager to approve at the employee level as well.





Expected result when adding attest

The manager is able to attest only for manager attestation, and the employee is able to attest their own punch; there is no required order of attestation. Manager and employee attestation are independent of each other.

The employee NEEDs to attest before the manager. Both fields aren't possible to edit at all until the employee attests, after which manager attestation becomes available.

The employee attestation needs to be added first, but the manager can attest on behalf of both, always in order, first the employee and then the manager.

Only the manager is required to approve. The employee field is automatically filled, and it becomes not editable

Expected result when removing attest

The manager can remove their own attest and the employee. Only the employee can initiate the attestation process, but the removal can be done by both the employee and the manager

The manager removes the attest, and then the employee attest becomes available for the manager to remove. Then, the fields become unavailable again until attest by the employee is done.

The manager removes attest, after which the employee attest becomes available to be manually removed.

Remove the manager attest, keep the employee field attested, and it becomes editable.

In Edit punch option in the time card view

Status 1

Status 2

Status 3

Status 4

Hierarchical approval: Employees must approve time before a manager can approve.





Managers can approve employee: Allows a manager to approve at the employee level as well.





Expected result when adding attest

The manager is able to attest only for manager attestation, and the employee is able to attest their own punch; there is no required order of attestation. Manager and employee attestation are independent of each other.

The employee NEEDs to attest before the manager. Both fields aren't possible to edit at all until the employee attests, after which manager attestation becomes available.

The employee attestation needs to be added first, but the manager can attest on behalf of both, always in order, first the employee and then the manager.

Only the manager is required to approve. The employee field is automatically filled, and it becomes not editable.

Expected result when removing attest

The manager can remove their own attest and the employee. Only the employee can initiate the attestation process, but the removal can be done by both the employee and the manager.

The manager removes the attest, and then the employee attest becomes available for the manager to remove. Then, the fields become unavailable again until the attest by the employee is done.

The manager removes the attest, after which the employee attest becomes available to be manually removed.

Remove the manager attest, keep the employee field attested, and it becomes editable.

In direct time card view

Status 1

Status 2

Status 3

Status 4

Hierarchical approval: Employees must approve time before a manager can approve.





Manager can approve employee: Allows a manager to approve at employee level as well.





Expected result when adding attest

The manager is able to attest only for manager attestation, and the employee is able to attest their own punch; there is no required order of attestation. Manager and employee attestation are independent of each other.

The employee NEEDs to attest before the manager. Both fields aren't possible to edit at all until the employee attests, after which manager attestation becomes available.

The employee attestation needs to be added first, but the manager can attest on behalf of both, always in order, first the employee and then the manager.

Only the manager is required to approve. The employee field is automatically filled, and it becomes not editable.

Expected result when removing attest

The manager can remove their own attest and the employee. Only the employee can initiate the attestation process, but the removal can be done by both the employee and the manager

The manager removes the attest, and then the employee attest becomes available for the manager to remove. Then, the fields become unavailable again until attest by the employee is done.

The manager removes attest, after which the employee attest becomes available to be manually removed.

Remove the manager attest, keep the employee field attested, and it becomes editable.

Using attest/unattest all in schedule view

Status 1

Status 2

Status 3

Status 4

Hierarchical approval: Employee must approve time before a manager can approve.





Manager can approve employee: Allows a manager to approve at employee level as well.





Expected result when adding attest

The manager is able to attest only for manager attestation, and the employee is able to attest their own punch; there is no required order of attestation. Manager and employee attestation are independent of each other.

The employee must approve before the manager. If the manager tries to attest before the employee, an error message will indicate that it is not possible. When using the "Attest all" option before the employee attests, the "Include employee" checkbox is unticked and disabled, and clicking OK does nothing (opportunity to add the error message "Punch not attestable"). If the employee attests first in the mobile app, the "Include employee" checkbox remains disabled, but clicking OK attests for the manager.

The employee attestation needs to be added first, but since the manager can attest on behalf of both, if the manager attests all, a pop-up asks if the employee approval should also be included. If the manager decides not to include the employee attestation, then no punches are attested. The employee ALWAYS needs to attest firs.

Attest all attests both manager and employee, the option to include employee attest exists and it's ticked and greyed out (you cannot choose not to perform employee attest)

Expected result when removing attest

Unattest all," only the manager's attestation will be removed. If the employee has already attested, their attestation will remain intact. This is indicated by the employee field being greyed out in the pop-up. Please note that "Unattest all" does not currently remove employee attestations; this functionality is planned for a future update.

When the manager selects "Unattest all," the system will ask if the employee's attestation should also be removed. If the employee's attestation is removed, the manager will not be able to re-attest the punch until the employee attests again.

The manager removes all attests, and a pop-up asks if employee attestation should be removed.

The manager removes all attests, and a pop-up asks if employee attestation should be removed


Read more about time settings here.

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