DELETE Absence

Updated by Victor Jespersen

Api-docs for RC: (select "schedule" definition).

Api-docs: (will be made available as of version 0188) (select "schedule" definition).

Base URL can be found on links above for both environments. The remainder of this article should be considered a complement to the above Open API documentation.


Path parameters

POST /groups/{groupId}/absences/{absenceId}

groupId = Group id for the Quinyx unit for which you want to POST data. Note that if you input a section id, the section's parent id will be applied.

  • absenceId
Query parameters
  • reassignBackShifts = This parameter is only relevant for absences that contain absence shifts. reassignBackShifts determines whether or not the shifts that were converted into absence shifts when the absence was created, and shift action was delete/unassign/reassign should be reassigned to the employee in question when the absence is deleted. This parameter doesn’t apply to the shift action keep since said shift action doesn't convert shifts into absence shifts in the first place.

Possible validation errors





This error will be returned when the absence id submitted in the API call does not correspond to an (existing) absence in Quinyx.



This error will be returned when the absence id submitted in the API call does not correspond to an (existing) absence in the Quinyx account of the Quinyx group in question.



This error will be returned when the absence concerned by the request to delete contains at least one absence shift, but the reassignBackShifts query parameter is not set.


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