
Updated by Leigh Hutchens

In Analytics, there is a list of reports you can run to get more insight into your organization.

Please note that anyone with an active employee role, including managers, will have their information visible in the Schedule view and in all standard reports for that unit/section/etc. This does not apply to custom reports.
There is no limitation in the number of sheets that are generated for any of the reports, the only limit is your RAM memory.
Since there is a need for some of the report fields to have access to historical data, the entire report searches for employees based on any role they had in the past, present, or future.
All reports will be exported in Excel (.xlsx) format.

The following tables describe these reports and their purpose as well as the default columns included in the report. Read access is required for the permissions listed (per report) below:




Default columns


Schedule period

View District schedule period and balance period information.

Unit, Employee name, Agreement template name, From/To date, Employment rate, Nominal hours, Total scheduled hours, Absence hours, Punched hour, Hours from today to the end of the period, Absence hours from today to the end of the period, Sum, Nominal hours diff


Shift staffing

General overview of the employee, their shift type and times, sections, and dates.

Badge number, Social security number, Family name, Given name, Shift type, Date, Shift, Section


Daily schedule

Details the shift type, employee name, shift start/end time, any scheduled breaks and which section the shift type is assigned to. You can extract the daily schedule report for up to one month at the same time. You can also sort the report on shift time. Employees can sign a printed version.

Shift type, Shift, Break 1, Break 2, Break 3, Break 4, Hours, Section, Comment, Signature



Run this report if you want to have a print-out of the schedule. The schedule with shift type colors (configured in Classic), can be filtered in many different ways.

Name, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Total, Vacation paid, Total, Pref. average vacation not paid

Scheduling, Absence, Punches

Employee hours

Over a period (day, week, month), each person’s hours and total number of hours. Many filtering options by staff and shift.

Given name, Family name, Badge number, <selected dates>, Total hours

Scheduling, Absence, Punches and People

Schedule cost

Cost in number of hours per day, week, month. Number of hours per salary type. For example, total hours, UT, OT hours. Can include salary costs and forecast variables.  

First name, Last name, Badge number, Unsocial Time, Overtime, Totals <per date>, Sum, Total cost, Social cost, Leave compensation, Net cost.

Salary, Scheduling, Punches, Absence and People

Detailed schedule

Details the employee, their shift types, shift times, break time, unsocial time, overtime and extra time, and which sections and units they have worked for during a selected date range. This report will also outline the amount of time spent on tasks. Shared employees will be in the detailed report if they have shifts on the selected unit.

The logic is as follows:
For the selected unit, Quinyx includes the employees that have that unit selected as home unit. Shared employees are not part of the list of employees.

Date, Week <number>, Shift type, Shift, Break 1, Break 2, Break 3, Hours, Task UT-1, UT-2, UT-3, UT-4, OT-1, OT-2, Extra, Overtime 4, On call, Section, Comment, Unit

Scheduling, Absence, Punches and People

Monthly schedule

Outlines the staff scheduled shifts for a month and displays start/end time per day and totals.

Name, <dates>, total, pref

Scheduling and Absence




Default columns



Displays a summary of staff on duty and their shift times.

Date, In, Org punch in, Date, Out, Org punch out, Social security number, Name, Badge number

Scheduling and Punches

Time Tracker

Time Tracker transactions for employees during a selected period.

Given name, Family name, Badge number, Balance, Date, Total

Scheduling, Punches and People

Punched hours

Detailed report displaying punched hours per employee for a selected date range, shift types and times, and a breakdown of nominal vs. scheduled vs. absent hours. This report is useful for employees across shared units.

Please note that this report will show shifts in the future period if selected, even without salary types generated in that period.

Date, Worked unit, Home unit, Home cost center, Badge number, First name, Family name, Shift type, Shift time, Punch time, Nominal, Scheduled, Diff+, Diff-, Punched, Absence, Scheduled hours diff, Diff nominal, Productive punched hours, Non-productive punched hours, Generated salary types, Sickness, Vacation, Permission, Other, Scheduled total costs, Scheduled social costs, Scheduled leave comp., Scheduled net cost, Punched total cost, Reported absences total cost, Punched social cost, Punched leave comp, Punch net cost, VAC (Time Tracker transactions), Number of scheduled shifts

Scheduling, Punches, Absence, Salary and People

Time cost

Show cost in number of hours per day, week, month. Number of hours per salary type. For example, total hours, UT, and paid OT hours. You can include staff costs and forecast variables.  

First name, Last name, Badge number, <selected date range>

Salary, Scheduling, Punches, Absence and People


Display payroll by cost center. Shows agreements, employment level, and monthly and hourly salary information. Multiple sorting options.

Shift - cost center, Timepunch - cost center, Unit, Badge number, Section - employee, First name, Last time, Leave reason, Shift, Section-shift, Agreement, Employment type, Employment level, Hourly salary, Monthly Salary, Start date, Start time, End date, End time, Scheduled hours, Punched hours, Project - punch, Attested

Scheduling, Absence, Punches and Salary

Salary details

Salary details, same as in Transfer to payroll.

Full name, Badge number, Social security number, Shift date, From, To, Salary type, Shift type, Name, Hours, Account, Cost Center, Project

Scheduling, Punches, Absence and People

Salary details per cost center

Salary details by cost center (not by employee). Total number of hours per salary type.

Cost Center, Project, Date, Salary type, Total

Scheduling, Punches, Absence and People

Summary per employee

Over a period (day, week, month), each person’s hours and total number of hours. Many filtering options by staff and shift.

Name, Badge number, Scheduled hours, Punched hours, Absence hours, Diff, UT hours, Additional time, Overtime, Flex hours

Scheduling, Punches, Absence and People

Detailed breaks and tasks

Displays a detailed view of the schedule items

Date, Employee name, Shifts (Type, Start time, End time, Scheduled hours, Punched hours, Diff), Planned Breaks (Start time, End time, tot Hours), Punched breaks (Start time, End time, tot Hours, Diff), Scheduled tasks (YES/NO)(Type, Cost center, Start time End time, Hours), Punched Tasks (Start time, End time, Hours Diff), Compensation Pay, Waiver, Daily summary (Scheduled hours, Punched hours, Break hours, Punched break hours, Task hours, Punched task hours)

Scheduling and Punches




Default columns



Period, reason, number of hours. No filtering.

Name, Reason, From, To, Salary based hours, Other, total hours

This report includes inactive employees as long as the employee has/had a role that is accessible to the manager in the selected period. However, employees who are not set to Employed in Quinyx on at least one date that’s within the period for which the report is run are not included in the report.

Scheduling, Absence and Salary

Absence percentage

Percentage of absences over a specified period of time.

Period, Day, First name, Last name, Badge number, Employee section, Reports to, Date, Total absence hours, Instances, Nominal hours per week, Nominal hours for the selected period, Absence %

Note that if the start date of the period this report is created for is on a date where a given employee has no valid agreement, then the main agreement of said employee on the current day will be used to fetch the nominal hours of that employee. We aim to address this in due time.

Scheduling, Absence and People




Default columns


Tags follow up

 Scheduled hours and Scheduled vs. budget hours in the selected period.

Tags, Valid period, Budget in hours, Scheduled, Assigned, Unassigned, Punched

Scheduling, Absence, Tags

Save reports filters

You can save your filters for the Salary details, Schedule cost, and Time cost reports.

Save filter

In the side panel for the above mentioned reports, you'll now see a "Save filter" button:

  • After you've made your filtering options in the different drop-downs, click the Save filter button.
  • A new pop-up will open where you can name your filter.
  • Click OK to save the filter.

The filter will now be saved and added at the top of the side panel. The next time you want to use your filter, just click on the name, and all the filtering options that you've saved in that filter will be set:

Delete filter

To delete a previously saved filter, just click on the trash can icon next to the filter name, and confirm that you want to delete that filter:

Clear filters

We've also added a clear filters option in the side panel. You can use this to clear all the drop-downs from their selected values if you want to start over with your selections:

Custom report

You can also create your own custom report.

Data field


Read access on

Active time

Hours of active time in the selected period


Address 1

Address 1 field from People details

People details

Address 2

Address 2 field from People details

People details


Age from People details

People details

Agreement template

Agreement template used for the employee's current main agreement

Agreement details

Auto man

Auto man checkbox in People details

People details


Availability from the employee's agreement

Agreement details

Badge no

An employee's badge number from badge number field in People details


Card no

An employee's card number from card number field in People details

People details


City from People details

People details

Cost center

Cost center selected on the person in People detail

People details


Country from People details

People details

Date of birth

Date of birth entered on the person in People detail

People details


District selected on the person in People details

People details


Email from People details


Emp. level

Employment level set on the employee's agreement

Agreement details


Status of employed checkbox from People details

People details

Employed by the hour

Shows if the person's agreement is set as employed by the hour

Agreement details

Employed since

Start date of the employment from People details

People details

Employee skills

Skills assigned to the person in People details

People details

Family name

Family name from People details



Gender selected on the person in People details

People details

Given name

Given name from People details


Hourly salary

Hourly salary set on the employee's agreement


Inactive time

Hours of inactive time in the selected period



Info field from People details

People details

Leave date

Leave date set on the person in People details

People details

Mobile no

Mobile number from People details


Monthly salary

Monthly salary set on the employee's agreement


Name as Family name, Given name

Family name and given name from People details


Name as Given name + Family name

Given name + family name from People details


Next Birthday

Date of the employee's next birthday

People details

Next of kin

Next of kin information from People details

People details

Next of kin phone no

Phone number for next of kin in People details

People details

Nominal time

Nominal time from the employee's agreement for the selected period

Agreement details


Shows status of the passive checkbox in People details

People details

Phone no

Phone number from People details



Rank set on the person in People details

People details


All roles that the person has or have had in the selected period


Reported absence

Reported absence hours in the selected period


Reports to

Selected manager in the reports to field in People details

People details

Scheduled hours

Amount of scheduled hours in the selected period



Section selected for the person in People details

People details

Send notifications by

Shows what option that is selected in the "send notifications by" field in People details

People details

Soc. security no

Social security number field from People details

People details

Staff category

Staff category selected on the person in People details

People details

Type of time reporting

Type of time reporting from the employee's agreement

Agreement details

Weekly hours

Number of weekly hours from the employee's agreement

Agreement details

Zip code

Zip code field from People details

People details


Home unit selected on the person in People details


Custom report filters

You can save your filter options in the custom report as a favorite filter for quick and easy access to the custom reports that you create the most.

Save a filter

In the side panel for the custom report, you'll now see a save filter button:

  • After you've made your filtering options in the different drop-downs, click the Save filter button.
  • A new pop-up will open where you can name your filter.
  • Click OK to save the filter.

The filter will now be saved and added at the top of the side panel. The next time you want to use your filter, just click on the name, and all the filtering options that you've saved in that filter will be set:

Delete a filter

To delete a previously saved filter, just click on the trash can icon next to the filter name and confirm that you want to delete that filter:

Clear filters

We've also added a clear filters option in the side panel. You can use this to clear all the drop-downs from their selected values if you want to start over with your selections:

When a shift type is updated with a cost center and/or a project, the update will be reflected not only in the GUI but also in reports containing this information the Salary details report, for instance). Note that this will be applied when you choose to Update shifts in the Actions tab in Shift types and not by only saving the edited shift type.
Please note that if you're a multi-account manager, it is not possible to create custom reports.

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