E-signature (Scrive) FAQ
Q: Can employment contracts be signed electronically in Quinyx?
A: Yes! Super fast and easy. Read more about using E-signature in agreements.
Q: Why do I receive an error message when I initiate the e-signing process?
A: Read more about Scrive HTTP status codes that indicate the success or failure of an API request here.
Q: Can a customer map their own contract?
A: Yes, customers can map their own contracts.
Q: When signing with BankID can the workflow be set so that only one person in the workflow has to use it?
A: No, if BankID is configured on the contract, everyone on the workflow must sign with BankID.
Q: Who can receive E-signing requests?
A: Anyone with a valid email address can receive E-signing requests.
Q: Am I able to pull contracts through an API?
A: This is not currently possible.
Q: Is it possible to get an overview of the contracts not signed?
A: This is not currently possible.
Q: How does it work when a customer has used all of the signing they have in a period. Is there a warning?
A: No warning is produced and there is no limit to how many you can use, however, you will be invoiced for any agreements above what was agreed in the contract with Quinyx.
Q: Do I set the language in Quinyx or Scrive?
A: You configure languages in Scrive.
Q: When a signed contract is signed by all signees a confirmation is sent to the recipients. Is is possible to inactive the confirmation email?
A: No, this is not possible. All recipients will receive a confirmation email.
Q: When employment has ended, why don't I see the agreement?
A: If you activate the employee you can see the agreement again.
Q: Do we have ways of hiding salary cost in Scrive?
A: No this is not possible since this is a contract an employee signs with the agreed salary.
Q: Are contracts stored in Scrive or in Quinyx?
A: Contracts are stored in Scrive and fetched on demand in Quinyx.
Q: How do I set the workflow of the e-signing?
A: You can customize the e-signing workflow under Account settings > Agreements > Agreement templates > Agreement > E-signing. Read more about setting up the e-signing workflow here.
Q: Why do I receive an error message when I initiate the e-signing process?
A: Read more about Scrive HTTP status codes that indicate the success or failure of an API request here.
Q: How long is a signing link active by default after being sent?
A: The signing link is active for 90 days after being sent.
Q: When using Bank ID with Scrive, in what format does the social security number need to be entered?
A: The following formats are accepted: