Version 0177
Release date January 10, 2024
Release summaryShort on time and want a high-level summary? Quinyx web app Version 0177 New functionality
Updates and performance improvements
Bug fixes
Important information
Frontline Portal Version 0177 New functionality
Updates and performance improvements
Bug fixes
SOAP API / Webservice updates
Important information
Update! Notice of Interest functionality
After careful consideration, and recognizing that the approaching end of the year and holiday season posed challenges for our customers to meet the initial timeline, we have chosen not to proceed with the previously communicated plan to end the Notice of Interest (NOI) functionality in December 2023.
Instead, we have decided to extend the end-of-life date for NOI to the end of Q1 2024, specifically until March 31, 2024.
During this extended period, we encourage all our customers to transition to using the Availability functionality. Availability is a more user-friendly feature that caters to a broader range of use cases compared to Notice of Interest. Some noteworthy capabilities of the Availability functionality include the ability to convert an availability item into a shift in the Schedule view of the Quinyx web app. Additionally, Quinyx supports sections with availability and multi-selection of both units and sections when creating availability as a user. Users can see, create, edit, and delete their own availability hours using our mobile apps.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this transition period. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.
End of life of the Classic and mobile SSO by March 31, 2024
Quinyx has decided that the support for the old SSO configuration (Classic and Mobile) will be removed during 2024.
New configurations are already available in the Manager Portal, and you'll now only need one configuration for all Quinyx applications. We recommend that customers still using the old configuration start planning to set up the new configuration.
The new configuration provider setup supports either SAML 2 or OPEN ID standards.
- General information: SSO basics
- Azure: SAML single sign on and OPEN ID single sign on
Quinyx web app Version 0177
Release date January 10, 2024
New functionality
None at this time.
Updates and performance improvements
None at this time.
Bug fixes
None at this time.
New Quinyx HelpDocs content
HelpDocs articles
- None at this time.
Interactive tutorials
None at this time
Frontline Portal Version 0177
Release date January 10, 2024
New functionality
- None at this time.
Updates and performance improvements
Distribution - making the audience removal button always present
Previously, the Remove selected button only appeared to a user once they had selected recipients for removal from their audience.
The feedback we received highlighted that it wasn't immediately obvious how to remove audience members, given this button was hidden. The Remove selected audience removal button is now always visible BUT greyed out until a user has selected recipients for removal using the checkboxes.
New design:

Widget system tags no longer default display at the top of a list when searching
Based on your feedback, you were struggling to see the tag you were searching for in the Tags field, as the system tags would appear by default at the top of the search results. We have now improved how widget system tags are displayed when searching.
When a user first clicks on the Tags field BUT before beginning to type - it will display a list of all system tags.

But as soon as the user begins typing (3+ letters), it will return results in order of strongest match, filtering out any system tags that do not match the search term.

Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue that caused events not to be able to be created via quick add on the calendar.
- Resolved an issue that caused a user to be incorrectly redirected to the homepage after updating the audience for a folder.
New Frontline Portal HelpDocs content
HelpDocs articles
None at this time.
Interactive tutorials
None at this time.
SOAP API / Webservice updates
- None at this time.
- No endpoints are currently deprecated and planned for removal.Click here to view the new Quinyx WFM Web Service documentation. You can find even more web services info here.We encourage all of our customers to make use of our APIs to maintain data and to make sure that information is up-to-date. To ensure the scalability of our APIs while growing our customer and user base, we've decided to add restrictions on the usage of our SOAP APIs. These restrictions will be enforced programmatically, which means we will enforce a limit on concurrent calls per customer to 10. You should expect response code 429 if you happen to exceed this limit, and you are recommended to implement a backoff retry mechanism to handle the limit. Note that the limit applies to SOAP only. When moving from SOAP to Rest over the coming years, any limits will be built into the API.
Please make sure to forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.