Version 0185

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

Release date May 2, 2024

Release summary

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Quinyx web app Version 0185

New functionality

  • This release introduces Audit log item trail to our audit logs, providing a chronological overview of all events related to a specific item in Quinyx, enhancing your ability to resolve disputes and manage workforce planning and attendance issues.

New functionality requiring configuration updates

  • When configuring Advanced settings > Mobile account settings > External site, we’ve changed the logic so that external site is no longer mandatory.

Updates and performance improvements

  • This release introduces color coding for different actions in the audit log item trail, extending the same color coded UI to the search results table of the current audit logs.

Bug fixes

  • You might be interested in one of our bug fixes in this release. For more information, click here.

Frontline Portal Version 0185

New functionality

  • We're happy to announce the latest new functionality in our All-in-One initiative: Collaboration groups.

Updates and performance improvements

None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • You might be interested in one of our bug fixes in this release. For more information, click here.

SOAP API / Webservice updates

  • Check out the updates and new documentation here.

Quinyx web app Version 0185

Release date May 2, 2024

New functionality

Audit log item trail

As of this release, we’re introducing the concept of the item trail in our current audit logs. As you’re likely to have noticed, the current audit logs have allowed you to search for logged items, and then present you with the search results. However, it's been a challenge to get the full chronological history of a given item in these logs. The purpose of the item trail is to provide you with a chronological overview of everything that has happened to one given item in Quinyx, in an attempt to provide the context you need when resolving disputes or issues concerning workforce planning and attendance.

You can access the trail of a given item in the right-most column of your log search results.

In the example below, clicking the icon for one of the rows in the search results prompts the display of the trail for that item.

You’ll find that the trail for shifts collates data for:

  • Shifts
  • Shift bookings
  • Shift swaps
  • Shift unassignment
  • Shift assignment on away unit

In the above example, the full trail displays the shift creation action at the bottom, followed by the shift assignment on an away unit request, and the shift update as the request was approved.

A few notes about this new functionality:

  1. At the top of the panel, you’ll find the information allowing you to identify which item you’re looking at. This information mirrors the information in the Item column in the search results table for any given shift.
  2. As the item trail panel displays, the most recent action will display first, followed by the second-to-most-recent one, and so on. Quinyx will display data for the past 90 days from today’s date; should the entire history of a given shift span beyond that period, a “Load 3 more months” button will display. Clicking the button loads data for three additional months back in time. If there's more data to retrieve, the button will reappear once the additional data has loaded. The purpose of this behavior is to prevent considerable performance issues.

  1. As all shift-related data was logged in the current audit logs only starting on 2023-12-27 and onwards, a disclaimer will display when you’re viewing the trail of a shift whose creation took place before that date, as a reminder to you that it might be the trail isn’t displaying all the relevant data for you to have a full overview of the shift at hand.
  1. As the logging of shift data in the current audit logs began on 2023-06-07, a disclaimer will display in cases when you’re viewing the trail of a shift whose creation took place before that date since data prior to that date can only be accessed by Quinyx's Support team.
  1. In an attempt to improve the readability of the item trail, it now features color coding to help you distinguish between the different kinds of actions. The various actions are color coded as follows.

  1. A special note about shifts whose item trails contain shift assignment on away unit actions: if you don’t have the permissions needed to access shift logs for the (away) unit on which said shift was being scheduled, you'll receive the following error message when attempting to access said trail: “You don’t have the relevant permissions on the relevant groups to view the history of this item. Please reach out to your Quinyx contact for more details.“
We’re excited to announce that, due to frequent feedback on this topic, you will be able to access this trail directly from the shifts in Schedule in a coming release!

New functionality requiring configuration updates

We are introducing a new section to the release notes called "New functionality requiring configuration updates." This section is designed to keep customers well-informed about new features that may require adjustments to existing settings or additional configurations. It's important to note that this section won't always contain content, but it will be used as needed to ensure clarity and readiness for any required changes.

External site as non-mandatory

When configuring Advanced Settings > Mobile Account Settings > External Site, we’ve changed the logic so that external site is no longer mandatory, making it easier to manage your existing External Site configurations.

Updates and performance improvements

Audit log search results UI adjustment

As a result of introducing color coding for different actions in the audit log item trail in this release (see above), we’re also introducing the same UI in the search results table of the current audit logs.

Optimization: Enable Spreading Values Within Defined Opening Hours

In this release, we have been working to allow the adjustment of daily values to be spread within defined opening hours. Before this release, if you only selected a day to make adjustments to daily values or for any time frame, the value you entered was equally distributed across all hours within the day if you only selected a day. We have found this to be slightly confusing for our users who would like to see the demand values distributed within their opening hours. Therefore, in this release, we have worked on a solution where users will now have the option to select if they would like the value to be distributed within their opening hours or distributed at any time.

Here you can see the option of ‘Any time’ – This means that the value entered will be either divided or applied to all lower intervals regardless of your opening hours.

Here you can see the option of ‘Within opening hours’ – This means that the value entered will be either divided or applied to all lower intervals within the opening hours you are visualising. 

Please note that if you have not filled in your opening hours in group settings then this option will not work.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue that caused the "Day" drop-down to incorrectly display the originally selected day when managers reassigned shifts in the base schedule, even though the shift was correctly added to the chosen day.
  • Resolved an issue where time display settings in Quinyx did not consistently reflect the selected language settings, leading to discrepancies such as absence, availability, and punch times being displayed in 12-hour format while shift times appeared in 24-hour format.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented users from deleting shifts in the schedule view if the selected period had partly locked absences made with absence schedules.

New Quinyx HelpDocs content

HelpDocs articles

SOAP/API webservices


Frontline Portal Version 0185

Release date May 2, 2024

New functionality

Collaboration groups (an AIO initiative)

With this release, we are happy to release the latest in our All-in-One initiatives: Collaboration groups.

Collaboration groups are a new functionality designed to enable the configuration of All-In-One (AIO) clients with larger and more complex organizational structures in the Frontline Portal than we allow for in Quinyx today. By building off their established Organizational setup, customers can design more flexible organizations that can exceed four levels of hierarchies and be linked topically and geographically.

You can configure Collaboration groups in Quinyx under Account settings > Advanced settings > Frontline Portal settings.

Note that for the end-user, this doesn’t really affect how you distribute your content. Collaboration groups are just a better way for AIO customers to create, configure, and manage their organizations on the backend.

For more information on how to best work with Collaboration groups, you can find more details here, or in the New Frontline Portal Helpdocs content section below.

Updates and performance improvements

None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue that prevented users from changing the dynamic audience toggle after completely clearing the audience post-distribution, impacting users in the Prod/Pre-Prod environment, and also fixed a related UI error where the toggle incorrectly appeared as ON when it was set to OFF.
  • Resolved an issue that caused stores to be visible in the audience dropdown for shared folders when the store wasn't part of the distributed audience.

New Frontline Portal HelpDocs content

HelpDocs articles

SOAP API / Webservice updates

  • As part of our long-term attempt to move away from SOAP APIs to REST APIs, we’re releasing the following absence-related REST APIs as of this release:
  • Our tentative plan is to release additional absence-related APIs - POST Part-Time Absence, PUT Absence, Delete Absence - in the coming months.
  • Various absence-related SOAP APIs will be deprecated with time as a result of the above-mentioned REST APIs. In due time, we'll communicate a deprecation timeline to affected parties.
Click here to view the new Quinyx WFM Web Service documentation. You can find even more web services info here.
We encourage all of our customers to make use of our APIs to maintain data and to make sure that information is up-to-date. To ensure the scalability of our APIs while growing our customer and user base, we've decided to add restrictions on the usage of our SOAP APIs. These restrictions will be enforced programmatically, which means we will enforce a limit on concurrent calls per customer to 10. You should expect response code 429 if you happen to exceed this limit, and you are recommended to implement a backoff retry mechanism to handle the limit. Note that the limit applies to SOAP only. When moving from SOAP to Rest over the coming years, any limits will be built into the API. 

Please make sure to forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.

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