Send us feedback

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

We love to hear from our users!

Clicking "Send us feedback" lets you share suggestions for improvement with the Quinyx Product Team. We are truly grateful for your feedback, which helps us create a better product. Click Account > Send us feedback.

If you are experiencing a bug or need support, please refer to your company’s superuser.
You can add attachments to send with your feedback. This feature supports a maximum of 20 megabytes file sizes and attachment names of up to 80 characters. You can add multiple attachments to one feedback message.
What happens next?

Within a couple of weeks, your feedback will be reviewed by one of our product managers and categorized according to the functional area it relates to. This allows us to prioritize improvements within the functional areas that receive the most feedback.

For bandwidth reasons, note that you will only be contacted if our product managers need more information to understand your feedback fully.

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