Version 0115

Updated by Maria Lindberg

Release date August 25, 2021

Endpoints being deprecated and removed

The following SOAP API endpoints will be discontinued and removed from Quinyx WFM in this release. This has been communicated through previous release notes beginning February 2021. These endpoints are now replaced with REST API endpoints for Quinyx Forecast or obsolete. Read more about Quinyx Forecast and the improved functionality here and about the new REST APIs here.

6.2 wsdlGetForecasts

6.3 wsdlUpdateForecasts

6.5 wsdlGetMonthlyView

6.6 wsdlUpdateForecastV2

6.8 wsdlUpdateForecastsV3

6.4 wsdlGetSalesData

6.9 wsdlGetSalesDataV2

6.7 wsdlGetOptimalStaffing

4.6 wsdlUpdateAdminGroupRelationships <- not applicable for Quinyx WFM

wsdlGetVariableTypes - not applicable for Quinyx WFM

New functionality

Schedule and Base schedule

Re-rolling out a base schedule with Shift assignment on away unit requires approval enabled

In this release, we've made a correction to the re-roll out logic in base schedule; it’s only applicable IF: 

  1. An employee is shared to more than one unit and has rolled out shifts from a base schedule on an away unit.
  2. The unit setting Shift assignment on away unit requires approval is turned on.

Prior to version 0115, if a user re-rolled out a base schedule empty in order to delete the shifts already rolled out in the schedule, the shifts were not deleted in the schedule. With this release, we are changing this behavior so that the shifts will be deleted.

Hour count in panels for shift and punches

Now, you can see the number of hours in the detail panel for shifts and punches. The number of hours will be displayed next to the date and time header in the panel.



Hour count on absence shift

Now, you can see the number of hours on the underlying shift of an absence The number of hours is displayed next to the from and to time of the absence shift:


It's now possible to add multiple operands to a calculated variable, allowing you to perform a calculation using one, two, three, or four different variables. You can find more information here.

Updates and performance improvements

None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue with absences on non-filtered shift types included in report when filtering on specific shift type.
  • Resolved a Time Tracker report that displayed different values depending on whether the report includes one or all employees.
  • Resolved a mobile app issue that caused a leave application to be incorrectly denied due to an incorrect Time Tracker balance.
  • Resolved a Time cost report issue that caused the project to not display.
  • Resolved an issue that caused no overtime to be generated even when overtime method time exceeding schedule per day was configured in the agreement template.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented a shift booking request to not be auto approved even when auto approved shift bookings was set on the unit card.
  • Resolved an issue that caused employees to not receive bank holiday compensation even when the bank holiday rule was configured on the agreement template.
  • Resolved an issue that caused a specified bank holiday salary type to not be generated or trigger an increase in the Time Tracker.
  • Resolved an issue that may cause input data to appear on the Forecast tab even when set to inactive in the variable settings page.
  • Resolved a payroll issue that caused content in the payroll file to differ from the content displayed on the Time card.

New HelpDocs articles

REST API / Web service updates

None at this time.

SOAP API / Web service updates

wsdlUpdateAbsence : Adjustments in validations in regards of updating absences within locked periods through the API:

  • If start and end date are both inside lock period, changes are not allowed and error is returned.
  • Changing end date to after lock period is allowed.
  • Changing end date before lock period is not allowed and error is returned.

Endpoints being deprecated and removed

As mentioned above, the following SOAP API endpoints will be discontinued and removed from Quinyx WFM in this release, version 0115, in August 2021. They are already now replaced with REST API endpoints for Quinyx Forecast or obsolete. Read more about Quinyx Forecast and the improved functionality here and about the new REST APIs here.

6.2 wsdlGetForecasts

6.3 wsdlUpdateForecasts

6.5 wsdlGetMonthlyView

6.6 wsdlUpdateForecastV2

6.8 wsdlUpdateForecastsV3

6.4 wsdlGetSalesData

6.9 wsdlGetSalesDataV2

6.7 wsdlGetOptimalStaffing

4.6 wsdlUpdateAdminGroupRelationships <- not applicable for Quinyx WFM

Click here to view the new Quinyx WFM Web Service documentation. You can find even more web services info here.
We encourage all our customers to make use of our APIs to maintain data and make sure that information is up to date. To ensure scalability of our APIs while growing our customer and user base, we have decided to add restrictions on usage of our SOAP APIs. These restrictions will be enforced programmatically and means that we will enforce a limit on concurrent calls per customer to 10. You should expect response code 429 if you happen to exceed this limit and you are recommended to implement a backoff retry mechanism to handle the limit. Note that the limit applies to SOAP only. When moving from SOAP to Rest over the following years, any limits will be built into the API. Please make sure to forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.

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