Version 0190
- Release summary
- Important notice!
- Quinyx web app Version 0190
Release date July 11, 2024
Release summary
Short on time and want a high-level summary? Quinyx web app Version 0190 New functionality
New functionality requiring additional configuration
Updates and performance improvements
Bug fixes
Frontline Portal Version 0190 New functionality
Updates and performance improvements
Bug fixes
SOAP API / Webservice updates
Important notice!
Scheduled Maintenance on July 17, 2024
Please be informed that maintenance will occur as the team upgrades our database system for Workforce Management.
European customers
The scheduled maintenance will take place on July 17, 2024, at 21:00 CEST.
North American customers
The scheduled maintenance will take place on July 17, 2024, at 3 am EST.
During the scheduled maintenance, we anticipate limited disruption, but:
- It will result in a brief downtime of the Quinyx service for up to 60 minutes.
- We will temporarily suspend all incoming traffic to the database during the upgrade window.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this upgrade, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation as we work to enhance our systems and provide you with the best possible service.
Quinyx web app Version 0190
Release date July 11, 2024
New functionality
Reminders - Version 1
With this release, we’re happy to announce the go-live for Reminders Version 1!
Reminders is a new functionality designed to provide automatic notifications for you and your organization. Where, by leveraging the unique data set in Quinyx today, we’ve started creating an intuitive and dynamic reminder suite that can automatically provide different user groups with actionable insights so that they can take the right action at the right time.
The goal here is to make Quinyx more intuitive and transparent, and make information easily accessible through automated alerts and messaging.

New functionality requiring configuration updates
None at this time.
Updates and performance improvements
Audit logs - insights about accepted warnings
With this release, you will be able to find information about the warnings that the manager accepted when the shift was created or edited inside the shift audit logs.
This information will make the shift audit logs more complete and will provide a better overview to anyone searching for audit logs if any of the configured rules were broken when the shift was created or edited. The list of accepted warnings will be visible inside the audit logs table as well as inside the shift history view.
In the images below you can see how this warnings list is visualized:

Collaboration groups - Usability improvements
With this release, we’ve included the first in a series of usability improvements designed to make the configuration of Collaboration Groups more intuitive and require less manual work so that you can better manage your collaboration groups!
So first, we’ve improved the creation flow for Collaboration Groups, where the tree hierarchy remains in an expanded state after creating a new group, allowing for better visual confirmation of the created group, easier navigation of existing ones, and a more seamless create-edit flow where you can now continue editing a created group with a single click!

Dashboard improvements
With this release, we are continuing to add smaller improvements that give a fresh look and feel to our Dashboard page. Below you can find the list of improvements that are part of this release:
- Within the Staffing graph, you will now be able to see the specific dates for the selected period. Clicking on any of the graph bars will redirect you to the Schedule view for that specific day, week, or month.

- Below the graph, you will see that there are now two parts called Needs approval and Needs attention.

Needs approval will contain information about the number of pending absences and shift requests that need the manager's approval. Below the number of pending requests, there is a new link called View requests that will redirect you to the Notifications panel of Schedule view so that you can easily resolve pending requests.
Inside the Needs attention, you will be able to see the number of unassigned shifts and the connected percentage of shift coverage. Below the number of shift coverage and unassigned shifts, there is a new link called View upcoming schedule that will redirect you to the Schedule view of the upcoming 28 days so that you can easily assign those shifts and increase the shift coverage on your unit.
Support for hiding the unassigned shifts row in schedule printout
In an attempt to optimize for vertical space of the schedule printout, thereby improving the user experience as well as saving trees! - the unassigned shifts row will now be excluded from the printout altogether if, prior to printing, the row has been collapsed using its chevron:
The Schedule, prior to collapsing the unassigned shifts row:

The Schedule, after collapsing the unassigned shifts row:

The schedule printout, after having collapsed the unassigned shifts row in Schedule:

Bug fixes
- Resolved an issue that caused warnings in the Schedule view not to correspond with the hours in employee metrics/statistics.
- Resolved an issue with the filtering of punches in the Schedule view.
- Resolved an issue causing absences created via absence schedules that spanned daybreak to not convert scheduled shifts into absence shifts.
- Resolved an issue where if the employee attest checkbox was ticked, the back-end would still return it as false.
- Resolved an issue that caused labor display groups to not be visible when creating a new optimal headcount variable.
- Resolved an issue where in the statistics section of the base schedule, the “absence hours” would be calculated as “0”, although there were absences in the schedule which should be considered in this calculation.
New Quinyx HelpDocs content
- QClock tutorial
- Quinyx Messenger Plus tutorial
- Making absences count as worked hours tutorial
- Reminders
Frontline Portal Version 0190
Release date July 11, 2024
New functionality
None at this time.
Updates and performance improvements
None at this time.
Bug fixes
- None at this time.
New Frontline Portal HelpDocs content
HelpDocs articles
- None at this time.
SOAP API / Webservice updates
- None at this time.
Please make sure to forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.