Quinyx WFM Mobile 3.42

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

Restricting users from creating invalid absence requests in periods where they don't have an active agreement

We've implemented an update to the absence request function in the mobile apps, which means that if you don’t have a valid agreement during the dates you try to create an absence request, no absence types will show up in the absence types list, and the user will therefore be unable to submit an absence request. The absence request process and what absence reasons you can select are controlled by whether you have an active agreement during the dates you apply for absence. If you have an agreement template connected to your agreement, only the absence types for which the employee checkbox is ticked in Account settings > Agreement templates > Absence types will display in the absence types list. With this new restriction, we've changed the order of the fields in the "request a new absence" page so that the users choose the from and to date (and time) first so so that Quinyx as a system can determine whether there is an active agreement during that time period.

Support for logging in to the mobile app with Company alias and EmployeeID

In this version, we've implemented support for a new login flow we call "Company alias" and “EmployeeID”. This makes it possible for our customers who can't use our regular supported usernames to have their users use a Company alias that points them towards the right customer in our system and then log in with an internal employeeID that could be a badge number. Nothing changes for users who work in organisations that don't use Company alias and employeeID - they will still log in with their regular username as always.

The login flow for customers that use company alias and employeeID is the following:

  • Step 1: In the “username or company alias” field, the user provides a “global alias” with a unique tenant ID.
  • Step 2: In the next step, the user provides the employee ID or username. This and the following pages can also show a logotype of the customer's choice as a part of the login flow.
  • Step 3: The user chooses which provider to use (password or SSO).
  • Step 4: The user provides a password and gets logged in.
More information about Company alias and EmployeeID is available here


  • Bug fixes

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