Version 0195

Updated by Maria Lindberg

Release date September 18th, 2024

Release summary

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Quinyx web app Version 0195

New functionality

  • We introduced a new "Frontline Portal" tab in the main navigation of, allowing users to access and use both Quinyx WFM and Frontline Portal without switching between pages, aligning with the “All in One” vision.
  • In the coming release of the mobile apps (Version 3.39), we've made it possible for your organization to white-label our mobile apps with your organization's logo.

New functionality requiring additional configuration

  • We introduced the ability to pre-configure an additional field for sorting in Schedule/Base schedule, allowing managers to gain date-specific insights, such as employee seniority. The actual sorting feature will be released in an upcoming sprint.
  • We built support for Messenger by following Collaboration groups instead of the general Quinyx hierarchy. Please note, this feature is mainly implemented to allow Frontline Portal-only customers to use Messenger.

Updates and performance improvements

  • We've extended the search capabilities of the variable settings to filter not only by variable name but also type of variable (e.g., typing “optima“ will return all optimal headcount variables and variables with names containing “optima“). 

Bug fixes

  • You might be interested in one of our bug fixes in this release. For more information, click here.

Frontline Portal Version 0195

New functionality

  • None at this time.

Updates and performance improvements

  • None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • You might be interested in one of our bug fixes in this release. For more information, click here.

SOAP API / Webservice updates

  • Check out the updates and links to documentation here.


Updated Quinyx Security Overview

We've updated our Quinyx Security Overview documentation to reinforce our commitment to safeguarding customer data and maintaining the integrity of our systems. This update includes critical information on our enhanced security measures, including API authorization controls, network security protocols, and our secure development lifecycle. As cybersecurity threats evolve, Quinyx remains dedicated to implementing industry-leading practices that ensure our platform remains a trusted and secure solution for all users.

Read more about our security framework and practices here. You can download our Code of Conduct, Product Methodology, and Information Security documents here.

Addition and removal of sub-processors

We are currently developing a training environment together with a partner of ours. In this environment, videos and other generic training material regarding our service will be made accessible for a limited number of select users. In order to access and use this environment that is separate from your Quinyx environment, processing of certain basic account information (contact information, title, department, region, and whether training has been completed or not, etc.) constituting personal data will be required. For this purpose, Attensi AS, Forskningsparken, Gaustadalléen 21, 0349 Oslo, Norway will be added as a sub-processor under the data processing agreement forming part of your agreement with Quinyx, effective from 1 October 2024. We also want to inform you that Intercom R&D Unlimited company is no longer used as a sub-processor under your data processing agreement (if applicable). For clarity, other than as set out above, no changes are made to the data processing agreement, and no further action is required on your part. If you have any questions or feedback, write to us via

Quinyx web app Version 0195

Release date September 18th, 2024

New functionality

Possibility to see and use the Frontline Portal inside main UI without redirecting and switching between pages

As part of our “All in One” vision, our aim is to enable our users to access all Quinyx functions in one place. To enable users to use both Quinyx WFM and Frontline Portal functionality from in the Quinyx All in one (AIO) platform, we’ve introduced a new “Frontline Portal” tab in the top navigation bar. Users can now see and use the Frontline Portal straight from without switching between the Frontline Portal and via the “Switch to Frontline Portal” button. Select the Frontline Portal tab from the top navigation bar.

Please note, if you are an FLP-only client, i.e., you don't have Quinyx WFM activated, you'll still navigate to the Frontline Portal via the “Switch to Frontline Portal” redirect button. This sends users straight to a separate page showing only the Frontline Portal, with the possibility of switching back to Quinyx via the “User management” button. In the future, we aim to remove this redirect option for FLP-only users.

Please feel free to test out the combined flow in and give us any feedback about potential improvements!
Mobile: Upload and display your organization's logo in our mobile apps

In the coming release of the mobile apps (Version 3.39), we're allowing your organization to white-label our mobile apps with your organization's logo. You can replace the Quinyx logo with this update in the mobile app's side menu.

You can upload the logotype of your choice to change the mobile app's side menu under Account settings > Appearance (navigation bar) > Company logo URL for mobile.

The optimal logo size is at least 796px wide with a 15:4 aspect ratio, and we recommend a logo in white or a light color if possible.

New functionality requiring configuration updates

Configuring future Schedule / Base schedule employee sorting option

In a future release, we’ll enable support for using an Additional Field for sorting purposes in Schedule and Base schedule. The main purpose is to provide manager portal users with date-specific insights, such as employee seniority, in markets where this is an important factor to consider when managing your employees' schedules. As part of that, we’re releasing the ability to pre-configure this as of this release.

Note that the actual sorting option is currently in progress and will be released in a new version soon.

To configure, there's now a checkbox in the Additional Field panel called “Use for sorting in Schedule/Base schedule.“

The default value for this checkbox is unchecked/false.

Due to technical constraints, only one additional field can be used for sorting; see the image above for more details.
Support for Messenger & Collaboration groups

In this version, we’ve built support for Messenger following Collaboration groups instead of the general Quinyx hierarchy. This feature is mainly implemented to allow Frontline portal-only customers to use Messenger, supporting Messenger following “Collaboration groups” regarding who can message whom.

If you want to learn more about Messenger and how to activate it in your organization, you can read more here.

What are Collaboration groups?

Collaboration groups are designed to enable the set up of clients with an unlimited geographical hierarchy within the Quinyx All-In-One (AIO) platform.

This allows Frontline Portal clients with organizational hierarchies deeper than four levels to begin using the AIO platform, just as it is possible for standalone Frontline Portal clients today. For customers that use Collaboration groups for their organizational hierarchy to be able to use Messenger, we’ve implemented support for Messenger following Collaboration groups for who you can message.

Read more here if you want to understand more about how Collaboration groups work and how to set them up.

How do I activate Messenger following Collaboration groups?

If your tenant has enabled the Messenger and the Frontline Portal module, there is a new Messenger settings page under Frontline Portal Settings > Messenger settings > Use Collaboration group hierarchy in Messenger.

Important! Do not turn on this setting unless you have set up Collaboration groups correctly for the Frontline Portal and want Messenger to follow the same logic.

The Use Collaboration group hierarchy in Messenger setting is only available for users in a tenant where:

  • The Frontline Portal module is enabled (you only see Frontline Portal settings if the Frontline portal module is turned on), and the Messenger module is enabled (the messenger setting should only be visible if the Messenger module is turned on.
  • There is also a permission called Account settings that is in Role management that rules whether you can access account settings at all.

How does the messenging logic in Messenger when I activate "Use collaboration group hierarchy in Messenger"?

  • The user must have all the settings and permissions activated to access Messenger (Messenger is enabled for tenants and has the Messenger permission assigned to their role/staff category. Read more about Messenger permissions here).
  • The user must have permissions activated to access the Frontline Portal (Frontline Portal is enabled for the tenant; the permission called “Frontline Portal” is assigned to their role/staff category).
  • The list of users you can message respects the users available to them from their collaboration group membership; this means they can message:
    • People who have the Messenger permission activated and are at their level, above their level, or below their level in their tree branch in the collaboration group structure.
Frontline Portal does not support individual users assigned to multiple groups (sharing users). Therefore, a user will and can only exist in one collaboration group.
You can find more information about how collaboration groups work here and how to set up collaboration groups here.

The general rule is that the collaboration group always looks for the user's home unit when determining where in the collaboration group hierarchy tree the user belongs. In the case the user has a role in several different places in the Quinyx organization (for example has a role in three different units), we’ve implemented a logic where the collaboration group looks which group the user belongs to in the following order:

  • If a user is assigned to multiple WFM units and more than one of these units is then associated with collaboration group(s), the user's home unit will take precedence within the collaboration group hierarchy.
A unit can only be associated with one collaboration group.
  • If the user’s home unit is not associated with a collaboration group, the logic will look for the unit connected with the user's assigned highest collaboration group in the hierarchy. A unit can only be associated with one collaboration group.
  • If none of the units the user is assigned to have been associated to a collaboration group, the logic will look to see if the user has been individually associated to any collaboration group. A user can only be individually associated to one collaboration group.

Updates and performance improvements

Variable Settings: Improved search by type

We've extended the search capabilities of the variable settings to filter not only by variable name but also by type of variable (e.g. typing “optima“ will return all optimal headcount variables and variables with names containing “optima“). To match this new search criteria, we have also changed the search bar’s placeholder to be “Find a variable“ instead of “Search by name.” 

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the second punch of an overnight shift crossing daybreak (e.g., 12:30 AM - 4:30 AM) was not visible in the schedule view or time card despite correct totals displayed in the Salary type overview.

New Quinyx HelpDocs content

Frontline Portal Version 0195

Release date September 18th, 2024

New functionality

None at this time.

Updates and performance improvements

None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the "To" column in tasks list view was not displaying the assignee.
  • Resolved an issue where users were stuck in an infinite login loop between Quinyx WFM and Frontline Portal.

New Frontline Portal HelpDocs content

SOAP API / Web service updates

New PUT endpoint added to Opening Hour API

We've released a PUT endpoint for the Opening Hour API, which now allows opening hours to be updated through integrations.

Please read more in our RC Swagger documentation here.


As of this release, and as part of our efforts to enable restful integrations of absence imports into Quinyx, we’re releasing a GET Employee REST API accompanied by relevant permissions.

  • No endpoints are currently deprecated and planned for removal.
Click here to view the new Quinyx WFM Web Service documentation. You can find even more web services info here.
We encourage all of our customers to make use of our APIs to maintain data and to make sure that information is up-to-date. To ensure the scalability of our APIs while growing our customer and user base, we've decided to add restrictions on the usage of our SOAP APIs. These restrictions will be enforced programmatically, which means we will enforce a limit on concurrent calls per customer to 10. You should expect response code 429 if you happen to exceed this limit, and you are recommended to implement a backoff retry mechanism to handle the limit. Note that the limit applies to SOAP only. When moving from SOAP to Rest over the coming years, any limits will be built into the API. 

Please forward this information to the party within your company responsible for integrations.


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