Audit logs - Shift offers
The Shift offers audit lot provides more information and a bigger picture for managers to understand if some of the shift changes are actually coming from connected shift offers.
Searching for shift offer audit logs inside the Adjust view panel follows the same logic as described in the Audit logs (current) article with the following additions:
- We've added a new “Item type” called “Shift offer”.
Navigating the logs search results in our audit logs table follows the same logic as described in the Audit logs (current) article with the following adjustments:
- “Shift offer” is a separate item, meaning it will have its own separate row inside the audit logs table.
- Inside the “Timestamp” column, we display the date and time when a given action in Quinyx was carried out.
- Inside the “Groups affected” column, we display the units and sections that were affected by the action in question.
- Inside the “Item type” column, we display a new item type named “Shift offer”.
- Inside the “Item” column, we are showing the details of the shift for which the shift offer was created. Shift details include [Start date] [Start time] [End time] [Shift type name].
- Inside the “Action” column, we display actions taken on a shift offer, which fall into the following types: create, approve, deny, and delete.
- Inside the “Action made by” column, we display who has carried out the action in question.
- Inside the “Action made for” column, we display who was affected by the action in question.
- The shift offer item has additional properties assigned, and for that reason, you can expand the sub-table on the action to see more details about:
- Any comment that was added by the manager when the shift offer was created.
- This property is available only for the create action row.
- Shift offers as an item don’t have their own history trail, but the actions over shift offers will be visualized inside the connected shift history trail.

Shift offer action made by origin
Similar to other items, you can also see the origin associated with the shift offer item.
Origin provides additional insight into where the action reviewed took place. As highlighted in the image below, the origin information is located in smaller text below the main value in the Action made by column of the view.

The table below contains an exhaustive list of the various origin values you may encounter as you browse your log search results and the cases in which the values will display. The logic in the origin naming aims to support you in resolving disputes or issues concerning workforce planning and attendance and is as follows:
- In most cases, it reflects the Quinyx “platform” where the action got triggered, such as the Manager portal, Mobile, Webpunch, or Integration.
- However, suppose the action has been triggered by a specific feature that has cascading effects on other parts of Quinyx, such as deleting or reassigning the shift; this will display as the origin instead.
Action | Origin | Cases |
Creation | Via Manager portal | When a manager creates a shift offer in the Manager portal. |
Deletion | Via Manager portal | When a manager deletes a shift offer in the Manager portal. |
Deletion | Due to automatic deletion | When Quinyx as a system deletes automatically an offer that hasn’t been handled by an employee and the shift has already started. |
Deletion | Due to shift offer approval | When the shift is offered to multiple employees and it's approved by one, all other offers made to other employees will be deleted. |
Approve | Via Mobile | When an employee approves a shift offer in Mobile. |
Deny | Via Mobile | When an employee denies a shift offer in Mobile. |