Version 0197

Updated by Leigh Hutchens

Release date October 16, 2024

Release summary

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Quinyx web app Version 0197

New functionality

  • With this release, we are enabling the possibility of bulk editing the time of shifts in the selected view in Schedule.

New functionality requiring configuration updates

  • We're releasing a series of improvements to your Reminder configuration. Keep reading to learn more!
  • We’re introducing a new functionality for reminders called placeholders. This allows you to customize the subject and message of your reminders more effectively.

Updates and performance improvements

  • We're adding the possibility for headcount not to be rounded and simply displayed in decimal values.
  • We're releasing a modal that provides additional information on which variables are impacted by the deletion of a forecast configuration variable.
  • As of this release, we are improving the way we display warnings inside the warnings panel when you are working on multiple shifts.
  • We're making one additional improvement in the way how “Break/Task outside of the shift” warning is presented.
  • We've improved the handling of Time Tracker associations when multiple agreement templates are applicable.

Bug fixes

  • You might be interested in one of our bug fixes in this release. For more information, click here.

Frontline Portal Version 0197

New functionality

  • With this release, you can now easily select all items to download, delete, or move in bulk in the Files hub.

Updates and performance improvements

  • None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • You might be interested in one of our bug fixes in this release. For more information, click here.

SOAP API / Webservice updates

  • Check out the updates and links to documentation here.


Updated Quinyx Security Overview

We've updated our Quinyx Security Overview documentation to reinforce our commitment to safeguarding customer data and maintaining the integrity of our systems. This update includes critical information on our enhanced security measures, including API authorization controls, network security protocols, and our secure development lifecycle. As cybersecurity threats evolve, Quinyx remains dedicated to implementing industry-leading practices that ensure our platform remains a trusted and secure solution for all users.

Read more about our security framework and practices here. You can download our Code of Conduct, Product Methodology, and Information Security documents here.

Quinyx web app Version 0197

Release date October 16, 2024

New functionality

Quick(er) bulk editing of the Schedule view release #1

We are happy to announce that as of this release, we are starting with the first of multiple releases that will increase Quinyx's support for different actions over many shifts in the schedule view. You'll be able to make quick, efficient changes to multiple shifts at once, saving you valuable time and boosting productivity.  Our quicker bulk editing capability will empower you to work smarter, not harder, allowing you to allocate more time to growing your business.

With the first release, we are enabling the possibility of editing the time of the shifts in the selected view. 

You can edit all the shifts you can see in your day, week, month, or custom view, or you can narrow the number of shifts using the schedule filters. 

To access the editing panel, use the three-dots button in the top right corner. Inside the menu, you will find a new option called “Edit shifts”. 

Clicking on that option, a new panel with the following details will be opened:

  1. The title that states the number of shifts that are being edited 
  2. Shift time input fields 
  3. Breaks time input fields
  4. Task time input fields

The default value of time input fields depends on the selected shifts you want to edit. 

  • If you have selected shifts that have identical values of times, breaks, and tasks then the panel will have those values pre-selected as default.

  • If you have selected shifts with different values of times, breaks, and tasks, the drop-downs inside the edit panel will have different values that you can select.
    • The default value in the drop-down is called “Keep as is”. This option means that all selected shifts have multiple different values of time, breaks and tasks. If these values remain selected in the drop-down, clicking on the Save button will not update shifts with any new values but will keep the original values of times, breaks, or tasks.
    • The option “Replace existing” allows you to specify new shift times, breaks, or tasks. Clicking the Save button will apply new values to all selected shifts. Once this option is selected, you will also be presented with an Undo button that allows you to reset the value to the default one, “Keep as is”. 
    • Additionally, drop-downs for breaks and tasks will have one more option called “Delete all”. Selecting this option and clicking on the Save button will delete all breaks and/or tasks in the selected shifts.
Additional options in these drop-downs will be coming in steps as part of the coming releases.

New functionality requiring configuration updates

Reminders 2.0

With this release, we have included a series of improvements to your Reminder configuration - enabling new reminder types, reminder history, and new dynamic tools to allow you to best utilize reminders for your organization and ensure that the right users are notified at the right time.

New reminder - Recurring absence of non-consecutive days

Our latest reminder type is recurring absence for non-consecutive days. This allows you to set up a reminder to notify affected users when an individual has been absent regularly within a certain time window.

For example - with this reminder type, Ida could set up a reminder so that when an employee takes 10 short-term absences within the last 90 days, a notification will be sent automatically, as some repeated illness within such a short-term period could be cause for concern, highlight a risk of churn with that employee, or perhaps might just require a little extra paperwork.

Reminder history

We’ve also included a basic reminder history that gives information when editing an existing reminder on who (and when) this reminder was first created, as well as details on when it was last modified.

Dynamic Placeholders

We’ve introduced a new functionality called placeholders. This allows you to better customize the subject and message of your reminders, so that your reminders will include dynamic information to enable personalized information within the content of reach reminder.

For example - by adding #recipient_name# to the subject or message (via the “quick insert” button along the bottom) a reminder will be sent out as usual, based on the unique critera for that reminder.

But now by including the #recipient_name# the information will be dynamic, so rather than reading a static Dear Employee the placeholder will automatically be replaced by the name of the recipient for that reminder - for example, Dear Erik.

Each reminder type has different placeholders available, as indicated by the “quick insert” options along the bottom, based on the criteria of each reminder type. With it - you can better customize every one of your reminders with the most critical information for each recipient.

Updates and performance improvements

Additional rounding option for Labor configurations - no rounding

Until now, headcount data has only been possible to round up, down, or to the nearest integer. We have added the possibility for headcount not to be rounded and displayed in decimal values. This means that headcount requirements should be shown, including decimal values limited to two decimal points.

When should you use "no rounding"?

No rounding of headcount can be valuable in cases where the resulting headcount is used in further external or custom calculations to ensure that the resulting values of those further calculations remain as close to reality as possible. However, in all other cases, we advise that one of the other rounding methods be used to ensure that the optimal headcount is comparable to the scheduled headcount in a logical way, which generally is when there are integer values for headcount requirements.

Insights into the deletion of associated variables whenever forecast configurations are deleted

Until now, it has been challenging to understand which variables or data are subsequently deleted whenever a forecast configuration variable that these variables are based on has been deleted. This has potentially resulted in confusion whenever those associated variables have disappeared.

We have released a modal that provides additional information of which variables are impacted by the deletion of a forecast configuration variable.

For clarity, these are variables and other data that can be impacted by the deletion of an associated forecast configuration variable:

  • Calculated variables with the forecast configuration variable as an operator or operand.
  • Events impacting the forecast configuration variable.
  • Optimal headcount variables or specific labor rules based on the forecast configuration variable.
  • Scheduling KPIs based on the forecast configuration variable.

When it comes to optimal headcount there are three potential scenarios:

  1. Whenever you have multiple labor rules where only one of the labor rules is based on the forecast configuration variable, then only that labor rule is deleted. At the same time, the optimal headcount variable and all other labor rules and standards stay intact.
  2. Whenever you have multiple labor rules where all labor rules within a labor standard are based on the forecast configuration variable, then that labor standard is deleted, while the optimal headcount variable and all other labor standards stay intact.
  3. Whenever you have multiple labor rules where all labor rules within a labor standard are based on the forecast configuration variable, then all of the labor standards will be deleted, but the optimal headcount variable will stay intact.

When it comes to events there are two potential scenarios:

  1. Whenever you have an event that is impacting multiple forecast configuration variables, then only the forecast configuration variable from that event is deleted. Meanwhile, the rest of the event and its associated impact on other variables remain intact.
  2. Whenever you have an event that is impacting only the forecast configuration variable deleted, then the complete event is deleted.
New UI for the warnings panel

We've improving the way we display warnings inside the warnings panel when you are working on multiple shifts. This gives you a better overview of affected shifts. This applies to warnings in the Schedule, Base schedule view, and on Base schedule roll out.

Warning improvement for when breaks or tasks are outside of shift times

As of this release, we are adding one more improvement in how the “Break/Task outside of the shift” warning is presented. Instead of seeing this warning after you click on the “Save” button, you will now be able to see the warning while editing the time of the shift.

This will allow you to ensure that the time of breaks or tasks is also updated and aligned with new shift times and will also reduce the number of clicks needed today to perform the same action. This improvement applies to both single and bulk shift editing.

Improved of Time Tracker associations when multiple agreement templates are applicable

We’ve made a nice improvement that simplifies how Time Tracker associations are handled when employees have multiple agreements with similar settings. This ensures time tracker calculations are accurate and not duplicated (when there are multiple Time Tracker associations with same settings).

How will this work?

  • When the "Include all employee data" setting is enabled for multiple agreements, Quinyx will now automatically sum up the hours across all agreements with similar Time Tracker associations. This means that instead of treating each agreement template separately, we will now consolidate the data, making it easier to get a complete picture of an employee’s hours and entitlements instead of duplicating them. This is especially useful for employees with consecutive or overlapping agreements.

  • When "Include all employee data" is not enabled (unticked), the system will calculate time balance for TTs separately for each agreement template.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue where removing a role from unit/section, shifts would get unassigned in Base schedule even if the employee still had an employee role on the unit/section.
  • Resolved an issue in the Schedule view that caused delays in scheduling, punches and attests.
  • Resolved an issue where the schedule printout would display incorrect values for punched hours.

New Quinyx HelpDocs content

Frontline Portal Version 0197

Release date October 16, 2024

New functionality

Files hub - Select all

When using the Files hub, you can now easily select all items to download, delete, or move in bulk.

  1. Navigate to the Files hub.
  2. Select the files and/or folders you wish to delete, and an action bar will appear.
  3. Click Select all.
    This will select all items inside your current location in the folder structure. For example, in the above images it will only include the items inside the folder you have opened. You can then delete, move or download these in bulk. Additionally, the previous limit of 100 items has been removed.

Updates and performance improvements

None at this time.

Bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue causing PDF files with the letters É/é to be impossible to preview or download.

New Frontline Portal HelpDocs content

SOAP API / Web service updates

POST, PUT, GET, and DELETE endpoints for Events and Event Categories

In this release, we're adding GET and DELETE endpoints to the Event and Event Categories API.

Please take a look at our RC Swagger documentation here.

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